Which actually gives me an idea for an awesome update... it'd probably take a lot of work from the devs so it's a bit of a pipe dream, but how cool would it be if we could do collaberations?! I'd love to work together with some of the guys here on a level pack, I can do the polish but I'm not too great with ideas and putting in all the clever little tricks that other people have. I'm not sure how it would work. Presumably on the editor there would be an option to allow another user access and you simply put in their ID. You'd have to work one at a time of course, simulataneous editing would be an immense challenge for both the devs to incorporate and the players to use
Starmonkey your ALOE was nice. Level 3 could use some checkpoints and you abused the moving walls a little much. Overall though it is one of the best packs I have played! Keep up the good work!
lol ya! i love to make those wall move! about a checkpoint in level 3, i was gonna put one at the top left corner... but the moving wall was too slow. if you died, you could have moved over the big slow wall to the end because you started so close to the moving wall
im gonna make another pack soon! i havent started yet... but it probably wont be finished until next weeked because i am a full time student lol... but im glad y'all liked it.....
It'll probably be out before mine then Alright people, tomorrow evening when you see me posting, tell me to get my ass in gear and finish off a pack
I'm really tempted to finish them and get them published but... at the same time I think it'd be nice to have a pack that was more than just 5 levels for once. I'm only getting one level a day done at this rate. I sit here on the forums with the level editor open in another tab and from start to finish it takes about 5 hours for a level... not working totally flat out, but it's still tiring.
Could you guys give me a recap of your ID:s? I have time today (Sunday) to play through your creations (I've already played some, but I think I missed a few of them).
AGE5L4YB MINE IS CALLED "think and preform-ALOE" it should be pretty high up there in top rated packs