Heyeveryone! Wow this is turning out to be one of the beat games ever! Anyway I'm stuck on Enigma, level 4. Can anybody tell me how to do it please? Thanks, Ell
Sounds like it's time to put that on the FAQ Try the second red button from the left, it doesn't do anything. From now on in this puzzle pack, don't rely on the color of the buttons anymore (i.e. green = safe, red = not safe).
I'm still confused about how to find levels. Okay, lets say I want to play 8 Bit Memories by MicroByte, How do I found the pack? There's no search place for the name or creator. I also have this glitch with the level creator. The delete button (on my keyboard) doesn't work. Sometimes it just doesn't do anything, sometimes it makes a message come up asking if I want to close this page. If that happens and I click cancel then whenever I place or select an object it immediately disappears. This continues till I log out. Another thing that can happen is the window just closes. Please help. And about my levels, I think dumbname asked about them. They're not finished, I'm polishing off the 3rd one. I'll post all 3 that I've made on this post in a sec. Edit: Here are the pics! They're not necessarily in that order though. And for the one missing a ball, that's because it's the very beginning of the level and the ball's supposed to be on top of the slingshot (so you get a good push at the beginning). Double Edit: Oh sorry, I didn't realize 2 levels were missing balls. The previous explanation was for the one without the red light. The one with the red light is supposed to be in the bottom left corner.
Select the door, and then set "Open" and "Restart". The door will then open when the ball is respawned (i.e. falls into a hole or is shot by the cannon).
You can only search by ID (it's a limitation in Google's servers, their database doesn't support fuzzy searches), so it's better if you guys post the ID as well as the level pack name. Are you pressing delete or backspace? In some browsers backspace is the same as going to the previous webpage. Also make sure you have clicked on an object so that is is currently selected.
I understand the searching now, but there's still a problem with the delete. The object is selected and I am clicking the delete button (I have a mac so there is no backspace). The weird thing is, it's different every time and I remember when I originally started using the editor I think the shortcut worked fine... I just tried it again and nothing happened. Then I tried it once more and I realized that if you scroll down so the item isn't on your screen it'll work, but the next time I click delete it closes the window.
Thanks a lot! Which browser are you using btw? We'll look into it on Monday. If you don't have a delete key and if you're on a laptop you can try fn+backspace and see if that works better.
I'm using Safari and I tried holding fn while pressing it, but no luck. Thanks for paying so much attention to our problems.
Thanks! We'll look into it and try to have a fix available shortly. Hey no problem, a happy customer is a returning customer
I love this game. I also hate it! Finaly finished the Enigma pack! It's took me 30mins just to do the last level. Tip: to remember the sequence to an enigma level; draw 8x8 circles on a piece of paper and put a cross through the ones you can roll on. It helps a LOT! Love this game! Top 3 easily. Gonna have a go at designing a level after my Christmas shopping...
If you time it right, you can "cheat" in Enigma Levels 2 and 3 (at least... If it is possible in one of the others too, I havent noticed). I know, 2 and 3 are still the easy ones, but hey it can help you get better times I finished the complete Enigma pack in about 5 Minutes, I am good at remembering things (sometimes... ), so it was easy for me to find the path through the buttons. Maybe I will also do a very-very-polished-level-pack as Midian's, but I will need much more time than he needed Btw, a person called "Bumper man" uploaded 4 packs (called 12, 123, 1234, 12345), all levels are empty (ok one pack contains one obstacle in the middle of each level, but that's senseless) hmm :/
Cool. I'd go back to Enigma but I'd probably have a tantrum! It's completed now so "bye bye Enigma!" I'm gonna make a level soon, anybody got any hints or tips?
It's hard to stop people from making empty packs. However, if someone downloads it, he/she will rate it 1 star, and it should be harder to find and won't make any top lists. We can set how many people who need to rate it before it gets a rating, I think it's set to three ratings now before a rating is shown.
Just some general pointers: * People tend to like easy and medium packs over hard ones * Use checkpoints * It's nice to look at round walls and walls that line up nicely * Come up with a theme and be consistent * Look at the levels you like, what makes them fun to play? * There is usually no need to use every single object available in the same level * The shortcut keys WASD are useful for making things pixel pefect!
How about anything with custom images has to go through approval [which I'm sure you could find some volunteers for, just being a simple 'yes' click once people glance at the level design and find there's no Coke or whatever logos on] or that people could report levels violating copyright.
Hmm, could you place some information about the Editor (Rotation/Copy/Move/Delete Shortkeys like in FAQ; Size [I keep forgetting the exact size of the field]) in the empty information-field (the field that shows information about the selected obstacle => click somewhere onto the level where no obstacle is => it shows an empty field)? The normal walls cast a small soft shadow, but the moving walls seem to have no shadow... Could you make it possible to hide the path of a moving wall? So a player can't see that a wall will go this way or the other way or something like that
I don't think anyone would think that would be a very fun job to be honest. Answering support emails already take a lot of time, and if we were to review all requests manually on top of that wouldn't leave me much time to do updates or code new games, which is what I really want to do. Another problem is that the levels would have to include textures, which would make them slower to download and more server storage would be needed as well. What kind of theme would you personally like?
Yup, we'll add it somewhere. If it makes it easier to remember is that it's the same as the resolution of your iPod/iPhone: 480x320. All static objects cast soft shadows (due to indirect lighting), dynamic objects don't. This is done in a pre-render stage and is not something we can do in real-time since it takes about 300 ms. Perhaps we can fake it somehow. I'll add it to our list. The moving wall was initially intended just for pushing you ball around, not as a puzzle element. I'll see what we can do, perhaps it could be an option or we can create a new element.