The Labyrinth 2 Level Editor/User Levels Discussion Topic!

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by MidianGTX, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    If there are only two levels you can't publish them for us to play, so the only way we could give you feedback would be looking at screenshots.
  2. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Easier than the first two, I figure lesser skilled players might appreciate a break in the middle.

  3. Vingdoloras

    Vingdoloras Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2009
    I didn't notice any sound bugs, but I will listen to the sounds more carefully from now on so I may notice when they stop.

    But there's another thing that annoyed me a bit. After playing a while, my iPhone (it's 3GS) slows down, so when I tilt the device, it sometimes even happenes that it takes 1 or more seconds to react, which is deadly in most levels. I can't remember if I restarted the phone lately, I may jut do so now. Restarting the App helped for half an hour or so, and then it happened again (or is half an hour simply too much of Labyrinth 2? :D this cannot be :p)
  4. metron

    metron Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    #184 metron, Dec 4, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2009
    Hi, I made a level pack called 'The Great Escape'.


    MidianGTX how do you capture in game screenshots of your levels?
  5. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    It's a feature of the iPhone/iPod Touch. Hold the home button and press the power button. The screen should flash white so you know it's worked. Then connect to PC and so on etc..
  6. MicroByte

    MicroByte Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone. I had an idea for creating a "retro" pack so just published one called 8 Bit Memories.

    Give it a shot and let me know what you think. Offhand, it's not overly complex or difficult, I just thought it would be fun to have a theme for my pack!

    Enjoy! :D
  7. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Nice! Just finished it, some sweet ideas there. I liked the one with the path of buttons and the cannons. Also the idea of blocks pushing you into holes is one I haven't tried yet. Inspiring stuff.

    It's definitely a great idea to have a theme. The only problem with creative level design like that is that once you've done your design you've then got to make the gameplay work around it... which isn't easy to do and the main reason why my levels are only medium difficulty. Love the 8-bit theme though.
  8. dumbname

    dumbname Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2009

    i know, thats why i don't want to even bother fixing some minor things on the 2 levels i have now. I know i'll just want to keep going and going...

    I really like that idea! is the pack complete?

    you could just move that level to first, so your level pack gets harder each level. (just saying if you didn't know you could do that, although i doubt it)
  9. wootbean

    wootbean Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2009
    the next whiskey bar
    i still dunno how to search for all these :S
  10. MicroByte

    MicroByte Well-Known Member

    Thanks! As mentioned, this was just a quick level pack thrown together to see if I could do something that composed of a theme. I'm starting it's sequel (8-bit memories 2) and am going to take more time to try to make it more creative while still using the "old school", 8-bit theme.

    BTW - I actually liked the pong level best, it was fun to watch the level and my son had a blast watching me get denied by the other paddle as I was trying to score.
  11. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Just noticed someone's already done a pack called "Testing the Water", I'm guessing it's just coincidence but if it's stolen I'll sue so hard Tim Langdell will beg me to represent his next case. Anyway that means I need a new name so if anyone's got a good idea let me know :)

    Anders, could you let me know the names/IDs of the dev team so I can find their packs? Thanks ;)
  12. wootbean

    wootbean Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2009
    the next whiskey bar
    I've mentioned that earlier here in the thread ;) must've gotten buried

    but the "Testing the water" that's not yours was first :( I downloaded it
  13. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Yeah I know it was first 'cause mine's not even finished... I'm just wondering if it's someone from TA that saw my post where I mentioned the name.
  14. Will090

    Will090 Well-Known Member

    I just started taking some of my favorite levels from the original and I am bringing them up to date. I'm adding checkpoints, doors, etc. Its looking pretty cool so far.
  15. wootbean

    wootbean Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2009
    the next whiskey bar
    Will090 I never really figured out how to do the first level in your level pack..somehow I slipped through the wall though
  16. Will090

    Will090 Well-Known Member

    You basically gotta tilt the phone straight up and take a perfect angle. It took me forever to get the timing just right :D
  17. TouchChatterbox

    TouchChatterbox Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #197 TouchChatterbox, Dec 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
    How about:

    - the ability to put in our own textures & backgrounds
    - the ability to fully make our own shapes to punch out sections of the level

    I want to do level packs in a certain theme that's all.
  18. Anders

    Anders Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    Co-owner and CTO at Color Monkey

    Christoffer (3D artist): AKYD4LMA
    Carl (programmer): A2FWNJ69
    Anders (that's me, programmer): AFJ2XNSA
    Marcus (programmer): AQEZFH88

    I'll post the others once I get hold of them (it's Saturday today):
    Andreas (programmer)
    Jim (programmer)
    Mirabelle (designer)
  19. Anders

    Anders Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    Co-owner and CTO at Color Monkey
    The Little Big Planet guys had so much problems with people uploading copyrighted images (like pics of Mario, Donald Duck etc) and getting in trouble with all sorts of companies and lawyers, that we didn't want to risk that. Another problem is that the sounds wouldn't match. We will be adding more themes in coming updates though, we are already working on a new one.

    It would require much work and I'm not sure how much it would add to the game to be honest. I think we are better off spending time on adding new features, but I'll add it to the list, thanks.
  20. Anders

    Anders Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    Co-owner and CTO at Color Monkey
    We'll look into it! Thanks!

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