It's obvious we're gonna need one of these. Discussion of the level editor ( for the newly released Labyrinth 2 by Illusion Labs! Post user-made levels, both works-in-progress and released. This topic is also to provide tips, suggestions, feedback and friendly criticism...and of course general discussion I'll start, it's a WIP so you can't download it yet, basically just getting to grips with the editor: Actually since I'm here I've already got a couple of suggestion for the devs if they happen to drop by. Two things that would make the editor more user-friendly: 1) the ability to move objects using arrow keys, and 2) a zoom function... I actually opened up the Windows magnifier tool while creating my first level so I could get a clearer look at where pieces joined.
Second level I'm working on... started out kinda artsy as you can see so I've yet to decide how the gameplay is actually gonna work: Update: my first complete level! Nothing too difficult, just nice to look at
Man, I want to make my own boards, but I just don't think I have the originality and inspiration to do so... Haha, I'll try to make a board and we'll see how it comes out!
Great Thread man, I made a Level that is Hard for me, Would like to post screenshots when the 5 level pckg is finished, but right now I am doing homework (and yes, following TA) so I hope to upload the pckg tomorrow after school, will post screenshots here too.
I can't do it! Surely it can't get any faster than holding the iPhone upside down? Edit: done it, but the chances of beating your time are slim
This is what my creativity has to show lmao! This is probably the easiest online board you will do! PS. Will, I'm going to download your pack now
I wonder... Has anyone thought of creating a DDA (don't do anything) map like the ones in the flash game N? I find those really cool
Hey guys, i wanted to ask, is labyrinth 2 as hard as the first one?? i love the inclusion of a checkpoint marker, as that was my biggest frustration on the harder levels in lab 1, it would be an achievemnt to get half way through, then one mistake and you were back to square one for the next twenty attempts. does lab 2 help this frustration, and are the user levels searchable by downloads, or ratings, or difficulty? hope some people can reply, as i loved the first one, just found it very frustrating, if lab 2 helps this problem then its a must buy for sure.
Yeah that'd be pretty cool but you'd need to make sure people reset their calibration once they've put the iPhone down, otherwise it might be slightly off center and mess up the flow.
Some of the levels are quite tough, but when you browse user levels there's an icon telling you the difficulty so it's simple enough to find easier ones if you want. As for searching, the "New" tab has Newcomers, What's Hot and Random, the "All Levels" tab has Easy, Medium and Hard, the "Top 25" tab has Rated, Downloaded and Played... and then you can also search by specific user ID. So lots of options
thanks for the reply, sounds really brilliant. sounds pretty much like the total package, $5 seems cheap for the amount of detail feature sand polish, never mind the possibility for expansion. hopefully because of the ever growing iphone/ipod touch app craze, and the fact this game isn't as old as the first one, there will be a lot more sales and interested, therefore more user levels, especially now the whole system seems to be so well built and user friendly.
BTW I hope no one's looking for my levels cause they're not up yet. You need to make 5 minimum before you can publish and I've done two... the editor starts lagging quite badly on my laptop so give me a day to get the rest of the pack done then I'll release it