Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by kerberospkg, May 2, 2012.

  1. DoctaMario

    DoctaMario Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    I think the maximum combo should be 70-80% but that's just my opinion. You can catch someone with a low jab and it can be all over if you've stockpiled enough meter which can be pretty easy if you've got the right right character on point. The good combos aren't easy to do but I still think it throws off the risk/reward aspect of the game. It's not as bad as Ultras in SF4 but at least those don't have OHKO potential like the HD/Max combos do.
  2. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    I just got my first online 100% HD combo with Shen, and you want to kill that feeling? :D

    I'd say that a balance patch for the cast is way more needed than a HD nerf. Kyo is just too good IMO. I just won some matches where I was just dominating with Kyo, and I don't even know how to play him. His fireball game is too good, and the air super is OP. His low attacks have quite a good range, and he's great both at zoning and at close combat. Using Shen I always have to play offensive since he can't do much at wake up and work on mixups and cancel a Gekiken whenever possible to get some bar boost, since the only way to win a fireball battle is baiting for a fireball and use either EX Gekiken or EX Tatsu: Gekiken on reaction while being near midscreen, but with Kyo is just spamming fireballs whenever possible, and at close combat just mash things and after a blockstring of normals, sometimes SRK, and all that while performing easy high damage combos.

    Some time ago whie reading this thread I also heard things about Athena being too OP, but I haven't meet any player using her. And then Andy seems to have a crazy fireball/SRK game, but the only time I played vs one at online was when I delivered that 100% combo with Shen. Throwing a fireball at the start of a match is never a good idea :p
  3. DoctaMario

    DoctaMario Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    YES!! Damn you, you're WRONG to feel good about that!!! xD Nah, eat it up man, good game, whoever you played it against!

    Kyo is good but he's your average Shoto type character. All you have to do (and maybe I just haven't played against a lot of good Kyo players) is block and punish. Sometimes playing defensive works really well in the game.

    Athena is pretty problematic, ####ing beyotch lol! She's just got a lot of good tools. Character balance is decent but could definitely use some work, but HD nerf is necessary to save the game IMO.
  4. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    I guess just like in Volt shoto character = n00b friendly, but damn, I don't even know his moves and I can still win some rounds without effort. The air Super needs at least some nerfing. It has a huge hitbox, and on block it pushes Kyo, making it better than the ground version, and it's so damn easy to punish jumps on reaction with that thing since it will beat other air normals or just trade.

    I guess I should try Athena :p

    Does anyone here still play the game from time to time?
  5. DoctaMario

    DoctaMario Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    There are some seriously good shotos in this game. Takuma is one of the best actually. Kyo's just a good character all around. He's got good moves, they do good damage and he's quick. Athena I guess isn't as good as I think she is, at least according to tier lists but her fireball game is really good and the reflect can shut down anyone else who tries to go that route against her. I think you really have to rush her down but that can be tough.

    Im really rusty at the game but maybe I'll put it back on my phone and we can play sometime.
  6. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    What about EX Kyo? I didn't buy him, but it seems he's quite good in the console version.

    And WTF happens with Shen's EX Fukkogeki? It resets an airborne opponent :confused:
  7. DoctaMario

    DoctaMario Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    EX Kyo and Iori are both real good characters.

    I don't play Shen so I'm not sure but an aerial reset could be a pretty awesome thing to have handy!
  8. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    I'll see later about buying them, but not many people is playing this game...

    EX Fukkogeki is the special overhead that's two hits. If you played at least once Shen you'll remember that it has A LOT of recovery, so it must be a bug. The enemy touches the floor before Shen recovers, no matter what part of the move resets the other character, so in juggles or after crumple is useless. If you like that much resets Shen has some cool ones in the corner that deal a lot of damage. One of my favorites is j.P, cl.K, f+K xx EX Fukkogeki, Tenrenken, cl.P. If you're sure that your upcoming attack will hit the enemy after the reset, you can cancel cl.P into HD and go for a setup for Danken and then start your HD custom combo. This is very useful if you don't have at least 4 Super bars before the EX Fukkogeki combo, which is all Shen needs to perform an easy fatal KO.
    IMO Shen needs some changes, like the light version of the uppercut for better juggling instead of the heavy one, the EX version of this move that somehow is missing and that's VERY powerful (move with two hits that sends the opponent very high, higher than EX Fukkogeki) and a fix for the EX Fukkogeki.
  9. DoctaMario

    DoctaMario Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    No I wish there was a way to get those characters without buying them. xD

    I honestly don't think I've played as Shen more than once, but he's supposed to be one of the best characters in the game.
  10. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    #1050 VaroFN, Oct 13, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2013
    Shen is just too much. He has easy combos that deal A LOT of damage, and easy yet powerful mixups. For example, after a throw (not the command grab) just roll. You'll appear on the other side or not depending on the timing. If AB wasn't in the game that would be his best tool. His only problem is at wakeup. Without bars he can only rely on blocking or rolling, and with bars he has the EX Gekiken with Super Armor and the DMs, and all these are punishable on block, so although he's a rushdown character he must play safe, kinda like Makoto.

    BTW: j.P, cl.K, f+K xx EX Fukkogeki, DC Tenrenken, Bakushin, EX Zetsu Gekiken -> 880 damage using 2 DMs without HD :cool: You can also use cr.HP instead of EX Zetsu Gekiken to get a reset after the Bakushin, so you can start a new combo with the damage boost from the Bakushin.

    I'm liking this game even more than SFxT :eek:
  11. DoctaMario

    DoctaMario Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    #1051 DoctaMario, Oct 13, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2013
    Did you just start playing? It's a really fantastic game. I'll have to find some space on my phone and we can play a bit sometime. I haven't played in awhile but it shouldn't take too long to get my chops back (what little I had anyway haha)

    I use Ralf, King, and have been struggling to find a good third. Been using Robert mainly but I don't feel like he always works as well for me. I was messing around with Andy for a bit so maybe I'll do more with him.

    You're liking this better than xT?? O_O Can't say I disagree!
  12. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    I got the game a while ago while it was on sale, but just started playing it.

    I main Shen and Kula, but I only know some stuff with Shen :p As third character Kyo, Ryo, K and sometimes Ash. Ash just because of his wicked Ultra.

    This has way more content than SFxT while thankfully lacking those damn gems (yes, HD is WAY better than attack gem), and I still have a lot of stuff to discover, while in SFxT I don't have anything left to find, not even in other players, since everyone just copies what other guys use. For example, EVERY King does the same: after blockstring, no matter the frame advantage, mashes K, and it doesn't surprise that it's the only thing people know about King, because since no one, not even "high level players", understands how frame advantage works, this might actually work for them. Sometimes I use Kazuya because of his awesome frame traps, just to teach some players that mashing something doesn't work in that game, and I'm just tired of that, while in KoF, even while there aren't many players still playing the game, those who still play it know some cool shit.
  13. DoctaMario

    DoctaMario Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Nashville, TN
    Kula can be pretty nasty. Ash is pretty cool, I considered using him for awhile. I need to create a second team. Ive barely got my first one in order lol! Ryo's good, packs a good wallop and his parry move is fun.

    I just put the game back on my phone so I'm gonna start working on my team. The thing about this game is that you have to be pretty proficient with three different characters and that can be pretty difficult.
  14. kerberospkg

    kerberospkg Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    New v1.0.2 is out.

    According to description, Bluetooth is not supported on iPhone 5s.
  15. tognesimo

    tognesimo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2011
    This game is fantastic, Capcom should learn about snk how to work for iOS platform! Capcom is in red but has so much potential on IOS!
  16. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    Kula has tools for everything. OP SRK, two different "fireballs" (Ray Spin'd stand followup and Diamond Breath), a move to absorb fireballs and counterattack with another fireball, a slide that goes under fireballs... I don't think she has bad matchups.

    Once you're ready send me an invitation!

    That update is only for iOS 7, so I can't download it. Is there any SNK technical support email or something?
  17. italodance

    italodance Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    #1057 italodance, Oct 15, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2013
    This app is optimized for iPhone 5.

    wow really? now i can buy it :))))) guys is it full screen on iphone 5?

    edit: wt....look at screenshots..black background screen for phone 5 screen? what????

    is this This app is optimized for iPhone 5 via black background? no tnx ill skip this again :mad:
  18. CaptYadierPR

    CaptYadierPR Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
    Network Marketing
    Puerto Rico
    they added a black border background to the left and right, im pretty sure that will fix many of the input problems and im also pretty sure they are not gonna change it and it will stay like this forever (Just like their Samurai Showdown Game). I hope capcom doesnt do the same.
  19. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    For the iOS 7 update for Volt they will do the same. There's an AppStore rule that says that updates for games must have Retina and iPhone 5 support. Volt already has Retina, not for some images, like characters' sprites, but it's still Retina, and adding black bars is also adding iPhone 5 support. Adding full support (not just black bars) would mean remaking the game from scratch, since unlike SFxT, which uses 3D graphics, here adding full screen support would mean that the stages would have black bars in the corner, and fixing that isn't an easy task since it would affect how every other thing works (stages' limits, characters' positions, etc), and the engine of the game is already very old. I don't think that something like the plugin from Cydia that makes apps iPhone 5 supported would work either. I'm sure for apps without OpenGL it changes how the device reads the game, not the game themselves.

    If SNK or Capcom even happen to think about properly updating their games, I'm sure those updates will come as new updates with some new features instead of just updates for those games.
  20. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    Joe's DM (the one where he throws a lot of punches) also somehow resets airborne characters. IDK if this also works the same way in the console version, but it just doesn't make sense.

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