It's called the NeoMax. Neomax outside of HD mode costs of 100% of the HD gauge and 3 stocks of super meter. Neomax while in HD mode only costs 2 stocks of meter.
Oh man I thoug I was so good at king of fight, well in 97 to 2002. Now I am getting smashed, and these people who seems to be pretty skill just marking around with me, they make me looks like a idiot, this is just making me rage Hard feeling bro, so sad
Anyone? Been a huge fan of KoF for over a decade, and I'm only 19. Who else loved that shit? Iori ftw.
Yep, i think it has everything and more! Maybe some different artwork to unlock (if any, don`t know)! I deleted the first game today after i saw that this is going to be released! I myself can`t see why you should keep the first KoF once you get this! if you wait just a few until it gets released worldwide i`ll tell you precisely!
So you can trade replays through bluetooth according to that menu clip Sanaku posted... does anyone know if you can do that through wifi too?
You can delete the original; this new version has everything the old one has plus 14 new fighters, 6 new backgrounds, wifi and more.
Thank god the Neo max moves take awhile to get! Not like someone getting two Ultras in the same round.
...aaaaand it's already up on that other app store that begins with I which will not be named. I'm gonna be a good boy and get this one legit...
hmmm, so why isn`t this coming out already? All the other releases have come out already for some time :-??
Re: Ragequitters WHen you get paired with someone, you get to see their card and decide if you want to fight. It shows you their 'Battle Completion Rate', i.e. the % of battles they haven't RQ in
Three more hours and my ipod will transform into a straight NeoGeo machine...I'll be ready for a few online challenges too!
There is only indication on battle completion rate on rival name card, i can't see there is any punishment (as on SF4Volt) while rage quit, haven't try to do so, I'm not sure...haha
Hey Kerberospkg, out of curiousity, do they show the opponents user name at their UI during a wifi fight? I always thought this would be a cool feature in Volt...
You can see the rival name before you decide to fight, and, at the fighter sequence selection screen Won't show it while you are fighting...
Oh my god, I can not play the Online Multiplayer with my friend in this game. Why? Can you help me that how I can test the ping between 2 devices?