Sanku what's the install size of this game? Btw, is the background animated (on iPhone 4)? I'm very sceptical about this.
Give me a few Minutes I`ll load it up on my iPhone 4... Edit: It`s the same as on the iPad 2. Hope it does help...
I was so excited to get this game I couldn't wait for the US release a few more hours, so I signed up for a NZ Apple Store account and downloaded it now. Backgrounds are not animated (I'm using a 4S), but look way better than Volt (but still not retina). Online game play was a bit laggy at first, but got much better the more I played. So far this is extremely awesome. Volt finally has a new challenger, and it rocks!
Can anyone comment on whether different KoF2012 versions from different regional appstores (japan vs usa) connect to different servers? SFVolt purchased from japan's itunes connected strictly to japanese servers for online matches, and created two very divergent playstyles between north american and japanese servers.
Also, Terry's got a 100% with HD and 5 bars. Looks pretty reasonable to perform, too. Time to hit the lab, once the game's out.
Yep, he is nice too! Do you think that KoF having online now, will dethrone SFV as number of players, considering that is new, even though SF is known to a larger audience?
I dunno, I'm a big fan of Kula myself from my MUGEN days. It'll be great to see a lot of the old faces from Volt on KOF. I only worry a little about the DLC/IAP support, as we see a lot of DLC games going under as we speak (look at Rock Band / Elimiate). In SF Volt, they can kill their online support but I will still have all of my content. If they kill DLC hosting on KOF, I may re-install only to find I can't download my characters again. Worrysome. Anyhow, if Capcom adds Adon to the SFIV volt roster it shall become the most popular game of all time. /wink
Yep, exactly that thought crossed my mind! But i guess we`re golden for at least 2 years! I guess icloud doesn`t save the data along with DLC no?
Did some prelim testing on Shen Woo. His qcf+A move isn't available -- it looks like they gave him qcf+C instead, which means that he loses the standing D > forward + B > qcf+A combo at the beginning of his HD combo. Really going to need to hit the labs. It's like SF4 training all over again, except with all those HD combos .. oh goodness.