It's out in NZ. (NZD$9.99) Prepare for a timely release in your country soon, I guess.
Holy crap! This has online multiplayer? Finally another iOS online fighter. I'm all over this! Soul Calibur should take note and do the same.
damn i forgot his name but i wish that funny short freddie kroger looking dude was available he was a little sneaky bastard,but im glad theres original lori & my boy robert
OH MY GOD! Please tell me this comes out tonight!!!!!!!!! This is the best surprise i could think of! 32 characters, online, new modes (finally Leona).... i`m totally speechless, i have no speech .....
This one has everything from the original game right? I want to be able to delete the original game off of my device just like I did with SFIV when Volt came out.