Universal The Greedy Cave (by AvalonGames)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by touchy85, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    #41 Gwarmaxx, Feb 2, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
    you keep stats and all the gold items with their enchantments (previously crafted on an item, you can't keep the looted stuff).

    edit > btw, there's a lock on special/wearable items to keep them locked and prevent an accidental drop/sell... very clever!
  2. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    Sorry this game truly sucks! U don't feel any sense of accomplishment.. There are plenty of frustrations.. You escape u only take back golden stuffs, even the potions that you bought are gone! After a run you feel poorer and ALL the non golden stuff u fought with your blood all gone.. And if you die they game throws u an option to revive for 400 gems which I think u can buy from iap.. Duh
    Most casual play games to enjoy not to torture yourself.. Sorry this game is bad! Even the free to play games are better than this.
  3. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    What is this talk of Space Grunts?
  4. Whackado

    Whackado Active Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    You can find statues in the dungeons that can turn a piece of loot golden so you don't lose it.

    I'm enjoying the game and the design.
  5. nosoup4crr

    nosoup4crr Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
    Game is decent. Seems like the premise could get old pretty quickly. But whatever. Fairly good customization. And their looks to be a lot to do. Doesn't seem like many are playing, though.
  6. ekziled7

    ekziled7 Active Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    Regardless of the art it's a fun dungeon crawler with awesome loot!
  7. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Aww man even though the graphics are a blatant don't starve ripoff I love the look of this and it's my favorite type of game but I can't do the IAP :( I'm a die hard premium gamer and the only games i play with IAP don't involve currency just expansions, special characters and the like
  8. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Get me the #### off this planet.
  9. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #49 anthony78, Feb 3, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
    Moving past the artwork, I'm enjoying this. It's more rogue-like than Diablo. One thing I'm not understanding is that during the tutorial it mentioned something like being able to only keep "gold" items (I think?).

    I see you keep your gold as well as any experience you earn but haven't had an item yet that I kept when I went back to town. That's fine and more rogue like, just want to understand if I'm missing something.

    Also, I have not died but am guessing you lose gold and experience when you do? Otherwise what would be the difference between dying and going back to town?

    As a whole, it's very well polished (other than typos) and once you play you quickly realize the art really does just have the style of Don't Starve. I seriously think there had to be a good amount of work done on the art for this.

    As for people buying it thinking it's related to Don't Starve, it's not like this pops up when you search for DS. Crashlands does so does that mean even though it doesn't use DS artwork style that it's taking advantage of DS?

    And there are thousands of platformers that use very similar artwork. Are they all trying to ape each other for success?

    I don't know. I just don't see it. It's just this may be the first to draw inspiration from Don't Starve's artwork. It probably won't be the last.
  10. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Ah, just saw this post. So that's how you can keep equipment. Have to look out for those. Thanks!
  11. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Why what happened? The artwork thing or something else?

    This game looks good, though, like the Engrish, like the loot. I just feel so overwhelmed timewise these days with all the games.. Unless it's a proven commodity or something the forums around here go nutso over.. It's tough to spare the buck, gas money, diapers and all. Hopefully it warrants a TA review or a trusted forum voice to check it out for the those of us father of four, two-job types haha :D

    Crashlands, though, that one I am buying without the wife's permission ;)
  13. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    I advised the developers to get rid of the lame IAP and make this a fully premium game. I mean Honestly, it worked for the enchanted cave.they could have a few non currency IAP that I would totally buy. Aside from that, the game is pretty cool.
  14. Themagicjesus

    Themagicjesus Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2012
    #54 Themagicjesus, Feb 3, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
    I honestly feel like this is a better enchanted cave. After playing it for most of the day I enjoy it way more. The artwork, again, is vaguely similar to DS and that's it. People complaining about it are ridiculous. I've got hundreds of hours in DS and the similarities end with the general aesthetic (which DS didn't invent in any way shape or form). The main character doesn't even look like Wilson, just his chin is shaped similar. The monsters all look very different and the evil/darkness theme of DS stays with DS.

    The only keep gold items system has been around for ages and if you die it is 100% your own fault due to you not taking the time to prepare for how much damage the next encounter will do. At that point you should escape anyway. I haven't died once yet.

    Getting rid of junk items leaves me with more than enough space so no complaints there. It plays well, the battles are quick, and the rpg bits plus loads of loot make for a very replayable game.

    I'm surprised and a bit irritated at some of the "negative" comments. It's clear they didn't play more than five minutes of the game which costs four times less than the coffee I bought while playing it this morning.
  15. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Your review persuaded my hesitant purchase finger to tap on the buy button.
  16. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    So far I'm really digging this game. I'm not super far into it yet. I've only had a couple runs so far. I don't really wanna talk about the art comparison to DS because that will just take away from the fun of this game. I'll just say that this game has absolutely nothing to do with DS whatsoever gameplay wise. I'm not a huge roguelike fan, (I hate losing stuff when I die.) but this is actually a pretty decent one. I'm still not sure on exactly what you keep and what you lose yet. I know you can lock some stuff so you don't lose it, but you do get to keep your exp and money, so there a mix of RPG too.

    Anyway, bottom line, for a buck, this game is absolutely worth it. There seems to be a TON of depth to it, it's charming, and however you feel about it, the artwork is amazing. I really can't find a better way of spending a buck. Especially if your a roguelike fan. Hope this helps!

    It still amazes me that this is only a buck.
  17. baldeagle86

    baldeagle86 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    I totally agree. I had a bit of a rough start with it, but after a few tries I'm getting the hang of it and think it's really fun. And yeah, all the comments about the art style are really really dumb. It looks similar to don't starve. Big whoop, who cares
  18. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    Within 4 - 5 minutes, you can see that this title has all the makings of a freemium title. I would not be surprised to see upgrades to weapons and armor costing premium currency eventually or for this title to go free. like I said earlier, I hate funding games with this currency model. It only encourages developers to continue the trend which is not something I want to buy into.

    IAP aside

    Art style inspirations do not matter (the art is still awesome), this game oozes style and polish and the gameplay is great. If you don't mind paying for a game with premium currency, then this would be one fun little dungeon crawl.
  19. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    Nice impressions. Pretty much exactly the way I feel about this (although I do like roguelikes even though suck at them).

    This game should be well more than a $1. And the inventory really doesn't bother me. You have storage back in town if you have anything to save (and you won't have tons to save since you lose most of it when you return).

    And just like any other game, you keep the stuff that's good and ditch the stuff that isn't.
  20. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    i really hate the free to play trappings, I think they are really weird for this type of game. That's really my only complaint. They used don't starve as an art reference, and enchanted cave inspired the gameplay. I wish they had decided to go fully premium like enchanted cave. I understand a developers gotta make a buck but ...

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