The great TA forum story

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Hoggy110, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. ninjackid

    ninjackid Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2010
    They discovered a new sentient race called the...
  2. ninjackid

    ninjackid Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2010
    These Batmen began to explain The Void and how to escape, and made Ninjackid, JBRUU and Connector honorary Batmen, and have them Batsuits, the Batmen continued to explain...
  3. Robin was missing, he was no where to be found. So the whole group decided that they must go find Robin, no matter where he might be. So...
  4. The gang of batmen went searching around for Robin in the 5th dimension

    Meanwhile, Hoggy was confused about where everyone else had gone. He then accidentally fell out of the void he was trapped in and fell back onto Earth.
  5. Hoggy found himself teleported to the rest of the group. Ninjackid, Jbruu, Hoggy, and Connector all joined forces to find Robin, Batman's sidekick. Since Ninjackid had such an intimate knowledge about Batman, he recommended that the group...
  6. Retreat to the Bat Cave and leave the search until the morning.
  7. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Unfortunately, several members of the group drank some of the heavy water from the atomic pile, making their bodies... unstable.
  8. #449 Connector, Feb 16, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2013
    Connector felt quesy, So he stepped out to read the Toucharcade Real Racing 3 thread, where he was viscously attacked by rip73. Connector returned sad, cause Connector was part of the Mob, Rip73 said. Rip73 told Connector essentially to shut up, which made Connector sad. Then Megan Fox appeared out of the blue and said, don't be like Jbruu, be a loverz not a haterz. Sadly Connector agreed, Megan put her arms around Connector to console him, then...
  9. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    She bestowed the gift of herpes upon Connector as well! Ninjackid and Connector now decide to form the Herpes Victims Support Group...
  10. But it was oh so worth it. Ninjackid and Connector would one day boast to their children that they had a special moment with Megan Fox. Jbruu was jealous, and tried too to go hit on Megan Fox. Jbruu approached her, and asked, "Dumb broad, let's do it!". Megan fox was shocked, she slapped Jbruu hard on his face and then...
  11. He realised that the slap made it so he could never get Herpes. Depressed, JBRUU...
  12. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
  13. 2133

    2133 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    Wow. Saved to pictures. LOL :D
  14. So Jbruu was dead once again, haterz never learn. Megan Fox was soooo happy, she wondered why Jbruu thought she was dumb, it didn't make sense, cause she knew she was good at cleaning windows like on 2 1/2 men. You don't have to be smart to clean windows and have everyone appreciate her work, she thought. Right then, Ninjackid came back with a Valentines day rose, and asked...

    Attached Files:

  15. Megan Fox if she could be his valentine. Megan Fox laughed at his request, so Ninjackid hired Connector Killer to kill Megan Fox.
  16. Connector Killer decided to assasinate Megan Fox, but right as he had her in his sniper guns scope, her beauty ravished him. He grew curious washing the deck windows with her slow stroking movements, that his head could not handle the pressure, he was falling in love. Right at that moment, Ninjackid kill yelled, "Fire", and Connector Killer replied...
  17. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    Screw you I like plastic women.
  18. Ninjackid was livid! He yelled, "I order you to assasinate Megan Fox!". Afraid of Ninjackid's power, Connectorkiller resigned himself to shoot the fatal blow. He assembled his sniper rifle very carefully, then planted his scope on Megan Fox's bosoms. Oh, he heart pained with the thought, but dictator Ninjackid demanded it, so his finger slowly caressed the trigger. "Should I do it", Connectorkiller thought. But the ranting Ninjackid arose, "fire!".

    Connectorkillers finger tightened, a loud explosion was heard for miles. Like in the movie Matrix, the bullet flew in slow motion at Megan Fox's tender bosoms. Her face showed fear as the bullet streamed light speed into her mounds of plastic, and then...
  19. The plastic exploded, revealing the horrific moster controlling her

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