Put Ninjackid in timeout! Meanwhile, the mermaid actually turned out to be a mer-man. Ninjakid's first reaction was...
"Man, I never get a break!" Ninjackid tried to break away, whilst Hoggy had to explain that the extremelly beautiful mods hadn't made him one of them.
The merman wouldn't let Ninjakid go. The merman was trying to eat him! See, the merman dressed in drag regularly to attract sailors and get free food, because he was...
Actually an alien that could shapeshift into any appearance. Ninjackid panicked, so he screamed like a wuss, and the alien/merman/shapeshifter freaked out and let go. Ninjackid took his chance and...
He jumped into the frozen pool and ate the merman/alien/shapeshifter AND ninjackid's teddy bear. This made ninjackid sad so he...
Connector was sure getting upset at Ninjackid's actions. All through his short life, Ninjackid was always a child at heart, getting into trouble in nearly everything he did. In fact, Connector was so upset about eating the bear, he considered asking Metalcasket to put Ninjackid into timeout. But Connector realized, that Ninjackid would just cry, and by this time his private parts had shrunken down to the size of a peanut. So Connector felt sorry for his naive owner, and gave Ninjackid a...
pack of donuts. Ninjackid then cried tears of joy for he realized Mr. Boodlescop, his dragon, was actually Connector. "Connector, my friend! We must turn you back into a human again!" Meanwhile, JBRUU...
Struck Ninjackid (and his weenie, which for some strange reason is very interesting to TA members) with a curse of dumbness, wanting Connector to remain a dragon forever. This upset one of the moderators...
So they instantly put Jbruu in time out again. Wow, Connector was overjoyed at being a human again. Being a dragon, while fun at times with a sexy girl inside of him tickling his stomach, he grew tired of being Ninjackids steed. After all, Ninjackid had a really stinky butt. So anyway, Connector was glad to be Ninjackid's friend again, and as in typical behavior of the President of the Dead Trigger Defense Squad, he took a swing at haterz Jbruu, and socked in on the top of the head, Jbruu proclaimed...
"I am the kingg..." but was quickly cut off by the blasts of the apocalyptic bombs being dropped by unknown forces. Clearly this was a matter of attack from outside the Touch Arcade community having nothing to do with Dead Trigger...
know as the Android Fanboys. These android fanatics vowed to destroy everyone affiliating with Apple. Ninjackid turned to Connector and said...
It was the deadly Unicorn Hit Squad, sent from planet Frewl to kidnap the girl inside Connector's stomach. As the flew in on their shiny pink saucers...
Sexy brown haired girls in the saucer proclaimed, "jbruu, why you hatez Megan Fox???" You see Jbruu had called Megan Fox dumb in another thread. So this was part of the Megan fox Defense Squad coming to action. One of the girls...
Jumped out and landed on Ninjackid, and started kissing him violently, ninjackid, obviously enjoying himself, starting kissing the girl back this made JBRUU jealous so he...
Who was a dumb blond, accidentally pulled the pin on her nuclear grenade, and stared at it too long wondering what the countdown timer meant. BOOM!!!! All the Megan Fox defense squaders were annihilated. Fortunately, JBRUU had his nuclear blast shield and suit handy, but Ninjackid wasn't so lucky...
Even though the evil haterz Jbruu killed all the girls in the saucer, one girl remained kissing Ninjackid on the lips, unknown to Jbruu, this was really Megan Fox! And Ninjackid was still alive since Megan Fox had resusitated him! Instantly, Connector jumped up from licking her toes, and proclaimed, " I am now President of the Megan Fox Defense Squad!". Megan Fox stopped kissing Ninackid for a second, then...
She began to do other things to ninjackid, things which I will refrain from explaining in detail here in the forums, then Connector...
Got kidnapped by Madfinger who would lock her behind a pay wall as a playable character in dead trigger 2. Meanwhile JBRUU