Hand holding his iPad, causing the screen to crack and Connector to wail for his lost iPad and no more Dead Trigger. His tears...
Form a large puddle. So Connector jumps into it, having lost his will to live, meanwhile Ninjackid and JBRUU...
Says, "Don't fight over me!" And then runs over to Ninjackid and starts making out with him. JBRUU then...
Rise from the dead and grab it, having found new meaning in life. Ninjackid stops what he is doing and stares in jealously while Connector games away, and the girls loses interest and runs away with JBRUU. Ninjackid sees this and...
Their soul wander on the field of dread in the underworld. Unil finally they meet steve jobs, trying to sell an ipad mini to a demon
With sandpaper chiseled fingertips. Connector now has his way with the beautiful sexy girl, he is happy that the haterz have died again. But he knows all too well from playing Dead Trigger that zombie haterz never truely die. In the meantime, the girl is quite fascinated by the size of Connector's 25 foot hdmi cable, which she uses to...