I've an idea for something that might be fun to try here on TA. Here's how it works: I will begin this thread by posting my top 5 favourite iPhone games of all time. The next person to post, must try one of the games on the list they haven't played, and post their impressions of it. They then post their own top 5 list. The next person after that may choose any game from the lists of all the people above them combined, post impressions, then post their own top 5. So on and so forth. A few rules: 1. If the next person to post has already played all of the games listed before them, they may post their top 5 list without picking a game to play. Obviously this will become less likely as the thread gets longer. 2. If there is a lite version available, it is acceptable to play and post impressions of it, but please state so. 3. You may pick any game so long as you have not played it; regardless of whether or not it has been picked and reviewed by someone previously. 4. Please post your impressions and your top 5 in the same message: Game name, impressions, your own top 5. The posts will be easier to follow if they follow the same format. 5. Please do your best to stay on topic. As I am starting the thread and there is no list as yet for me to pick a game from, I'll pick one at a later date and edit this post with my own impressions of it. My top 5: 1. Touch Soccer 2. Solomon's Keep 3. Big Mountain Snowboarding 4. Yipe5 5. Undercroft
I think you are right I hate soccer and the only sportsgame I like to play on Touch/PC is golf. I own Yipe 5 and Solomons Keep, both are great games. Undercroft is a type of RPG I prefer to play on my PC.
Well us Americans like to think were the center of the world and since I am living on the East Coast of America that makes me like the center center max so meh! Hahaha.
Undercroft - Had potential but fiddly moving system and only... 8 inventory slots? 1. Chaos Rings 2. Sword of Fargoal 3. Slay 4. Real Racing (or GTI (Lite)) 5. Inotia 2/Befuddled CE (Inotia is getting repetitive but started good, being taken over by Befuddled) If you HAVE to select a free game, then... 6. Choice of Broadsides
"Slay" was the only one I haven't played so it selected itself. Tried the lite version. Slow gameplay, cumbersome interface, and I just could not get into the game at all I'm afraid.
I'm sure if you advertised that offer a lil better someone would have taken you up on it. I actually really like the thread, its great idea. We should get rid of the 'mass what should I get thread' and only have this one! I'd participate if I didn't already have so many other games to buy but for the "I just got a $50 giftcard, what am I going to do?" people, I think this is a cool idea. I like Yipe5 btw from your original list.
I guess I saw this as something a little different from the other thread. Not so much a thread about recommendations, but rather one where some people might actually discover some games they wouldn't normally try, by taking chances. Not blindly of course; most of us have folks on this site whose opinions we trust more than others. People we know have similar tastes to our own, etc. But I guess for that this thread would need to grow. And I didn't mean I wanted to delete the whole thread or my initial post (the latter is simple enough), but rather the posts of a couple of folks who right off the bat decided to completely disregard rule 5.
Need to spend more time with it but that's ok. In any case, Do I have to put my list up again for spmeone else?
My Top 6: 1. Stick Golf 2. Sorter 3. Soccer Superstars 4. Crunchy Planets 5. Rollout 6. Taxiball I have tons more, but tried to post some that not many people are aware of. Check them all out, they're all a load of fun!