Universal The Executive (by Riverman Media LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by touchy85, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. riverman_jacob

    riverman_jacob Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    Additionally, if you have hit the code either on purpose or by accident, and now regret it: Please let us know how you'd like us to aid in "recovering" your game in the next update. For example, we could add in a code that zeroes out your money but not your level progress and upgrades (which you could sell on your own.)
  2. HotHamBoy

    HotHamBoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2015
    As someone who was affected by the code and has to start over, I would appreciate knowing what it is just so I can avoid doing it by accident again.
  3. riverman_jacob

    riverman_jacob Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    I'll PM you.
  4. Montanx

    Montanx Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    San Diego
    Yea I cant really go back. Once I get a taste of power it's hard to go back, Just a mental thing. I also feel special cuz I wasn't Putting in any code, I was just playing normally. I'd also appreciate a PM telling what the hell I did to trigger it, I'm just curious.

    I feel like a little kid who found the SMB3 warp flute on accident. Only instead of being super cool it just ruins the game. Oh well, still an awesomely designed game and well worth it's cost.
  5. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    Why not delete the game and download it again?
  6. Montanx

    Montanx Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    San Diego
    Yea they at least need an option to wipe all progress and restart. Surprised when I didn't see one.
  7. whetzell

    whetzell Member

    Jun 21, 2015
    Why is almost every single game in touch arcade categorized incorrectly? This isn't an adventure game.
  8. modus_ataraxia

    modus_ataraxia Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2015
    Is there no demo? I still feel that the videos make the combat look really clunky, and I would love to try the game out first (unless the 10 level demo was only for a region that I'm not in).
  9. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    The multiple times you posted in this thread clearly suggests you are quite interested in the game. Based on this thread almost each post bears praise for this game.

    Doesnt that equate into a situation where you should just go ahead and buy it coz you know you'll be onto something really good? It's only $3 right now, so you might want to take advantage of that as well.

    If it means anything, i also would add myself to the ones who give this game high praise. It's fantastic.

    As for your query regarding clunkiness, it isnt. If anything, you eventually increase the speed of your attacks through upgrades if you think your attacks feel a bit sluggish. :)

  10. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    I haven't come across it yet and I don't want to.... I'm not sure how easy it is to trigger? If I'm unlikely to then I don't need to know but if it's an easy/common mistake to make then I'd appreciate a PM to let me know

    Thanks in advance
  11. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but I wanted to stop in and say how awesome this game is. I liked it a lot from the start, but the more I play and upgrade my stats and mine, the more I'm absolutely falling in love with this.

    I'm almost to my second promotion and the money is flowing in like werewolf blood from its bashed open skull. Easily my Game of the Week, most likely going on my Game of the Year list.

    Using the right special attacks, blocking and attacking at the right time, and learning to use the right special powers were a little overwhelming at first. It's becoming second nature now. Bloody brilliant game.
  12. Alexythimia23

    Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    Such a great game, its an instant classic, the perfect arcade game..... And whats this about a code! Haha sounds awesome lol but i like to have the feel of a threat to get the most out my game, too overpowered is no good, well only once i completely finished the game....then.....maybe.

    P.s to the devs, im sure i speak on behalf of all here.......THANK YOU ✌#️
  13. HotHamBoy

    HotHamBoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2015
    This game is fantastic. I was a victim of the code and reset my game. I've been able to get almost completely caught up in no time at all and with fewer upgrades. It's a true game of skill, I may have had to start again from zero but I'm so familiar with the combat and enemy patterns now that I'm zooming through this time, and it's just as fun if not more so.

    So good, I hope you guys have additional content planned for the future.
  14. riverman_jacob

    riverman_jacob Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    Thank you. And yes, my sketchbook is full of enemies that didn't make it into the game, and my brother's Excel spreadsheet of upgrades has quite a few blank spaces in it.... I don't think our hero's career has hit the glass ceiling just yet!
  15. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Please PM me as well as I'll be going on a long business trip and international flight and don't want to mess up the game... I hope this carries me over for a 15+ hour flight!!!


  16. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Ghad... This game. It's really addicting once it gets a hold of you, and it doesnt take much for that hold to happen.

    From what i see, the individual formulas used here arent really innovative, but the mashup of these formulas is pretty innovative in itself, and easily makes The Executive one of the best mobile games i have ever played.

    The formula... Highly skill-based combat, fantastic visual and audio presentation, on-rails movement, stage/level-based progression, addictive upgrades, high replayability, accurate touch-designed controls. Remind you of anything? ;)

    It's a difficult formula to perfect, but Riverman Media delivered perfection in style.

    The Executive adds more to this formula by being pure premium, and having a genius set of bizarre characters, together with a fresh art-style and an ultimately fun experience.

    If there's anything i wish added to this masterpiece, it's a bit of story. Im really interested as to how these bizarre characters are there and attacking you, and why your character also displays these unusal characteristics and abilities.
  17. sechssechssechs

    Apr 26, 2014
    Really awesome game, been binge-playing this since the release :D.

    Just one question though: Is it possible to add some use to the money when everything is maxed out/bought?
    I was a little bit disappointed when I saw that at some point one has to rely solely on skill (Yes, I'm an avid Diablo and Call of Duty player, so please forgive me ;)).

    So my money count goes up but I can't find an option to spend it... PLEASE, I NEED TO BUY MORE STUFF :D
  18. Pony

    Pony Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    The Netherlands
    After my awesome experience with Pizza vs Skeletons this was simply an instabuy for me.
    And I wasn't disappointed!
    Fantastic wacky game to easily get lost in for quite some time and also great for short sessions.
    The polish in both visual and audio departments is very evident once again and it just radiates pure love from the developers.
    Cannot recommend this experience highly enough!
  19. GiHubb

    GiHubb Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Apr 27, 2010
    It s a nice, silly little game but I'm disappointed at the free to play clicker aspect of it - prices jump from hundreds to one or two thousand, but then to tens of thousands with no middle ground. You pretty much have to stop playing for a day if you want to earn those higher tier prices. So this is either unbalanced, or just made to become F2P down the road. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying it, but it sticks out.

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