Universal The Executive (by Riverman Media LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by touchy85, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Alex Wolf

    Alex Wolf Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2010
    1650 dollar for more defense And
    16500 dollar for more attack

    Is this a bug?
  2. Tulki

    Tulki Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    #142 Tulki, Jul 4, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
    Those price ratios do seem odd... the prices for each are almost on-par until that point and then suddenly power costs ten times as much. Not sure if it's a bug though. They occur when def = 20 and pow = 20.

    They seem to get back in line right after this upgrade though, so it's probably intended.
  3. riverman_jacob

    riverman_jacob Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    I'll ask my brother (the programmer) but I don't *think* it's a bug. He's got a big Excel spreadsheet where all the prices are calculated. Generally, these big leaps correspond to a similar jump in the $/s that a mining item is earning. So even though it seems expensive, it's balanced out by a company item, as long as you're planning for the future and investing :)

    The exponential growth in cost/earnings is part of the charm of clicker games, and why we couldn't resist adding this element to a game about being a corporate CEO!
  4. Warriv

    Warriv Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 21, 2015
    Hah, I must say, I hate you guys. You just can't resist this. There's no way anyone who loves games, has a disposable income, and stops by this thread will pass on this one. Right from the start, the sparkling review from one of our own moderators, followed by the enthusiastic reaction of the community, and then, the developers, whom I was unfamiliar with, just show up and hey, they are these great guys who are actually doing what they can to support TA. And say stuff like this:

    All of this for 2,99?

    Come on...

    Anyway, you can call me Mr. Manager for the time being :D
  5. brainbag

    brainbag Active Member

    Sep 11, 2014
    How does money earned during the levels work?

    If I choose "restart" at the end of a successful mission, does it keep the money I've earned so far and simply put me back at the beginning, or does it drop that money and "start over"?

    If I lose during a mission, does all of the money I've accumulated from attacks and blocks and so on get lost? I can't tell since it's not factored into the mission end amount (which is a bit weird).

    Thanks for the help! :confused:

    This game is REALLY good. I thought it was a bit dumb at first but after about 8 missions I really started to get into it.
  6. riverman_jacob

    riverman_jacob Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    How does money earned during the levels work?
    All the money you gain during the middle of a level (from attacks, blocks, stunts, etc.) shows up in the lower left corner of the screen as you play, and the instant the level ends (either because you won or lost), that amount is deposited into your bank account. The only way you don't earn that money is if you restart the level in the middle (from the pause menu).
  7. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    Two things I'd like to see:
    - Not hiding the skills virtual buttons when not in a fight. Maybe just make them a bit transparent and without color. When I start a fight and go for a skill right away most of the time I end up picking the wrong skill because I can't see where the virtual buttons are at the start of the fight.
    - Buffering gestures before the fight begins. Just enough so that a previous QTE wouldn't make me do something I didn't want while being able to start a fight with a flame kick or another special move without getting a normal punch instead.
  8. eventide

    eventide Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2012

    Eli should see this post :p
  9. mr_bez

    mr_bez Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    It definitely seems about right. Your earning does go up in leaps and bounds at times: the Miner Lv5 cost $31500 but onCe you have it you get $565 per block, so you can easily earn over $10000 per round, and that's not including the fact that it more than doubled my $/s rate.
  10. BadMrFrosty

    BadMrFrosty Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2013
    I can't stop playing this game!!!!!!
  11. h_A_Z

    h_A_Z Active Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    How do u block when u r attacked from both sides????
  12. modus_ataraxia

    modus_ataraxia Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2015
    Where is this? I tried looking it up on the App Store, and then also in related apps to The Executive, but couldn't find anything.

    Also, when does the sale end? I'll probably be interested if I could try it out, but far less likely for 40% more.
  13. AppWhore

    AppWhore Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2008
    The tips say as long as you block at the right height it doesn't matter if they're infront or behind.
  14. icoker

    icoker Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2013
    I think I was put off by the starkingly familiar office theme but as I played through the prologue I instantly realised how fluid the combat movements were (even on my archaic iPhone 4) and the music, oh just enamouring. Been playing it every night after work and feeling accomplished every time I see how much my fellow employees earned while i was gone ;)
  15. brybry

    brybry Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2013
    #155 brybry, Jul 5, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
    I've gotten to level 40 manager. The fun part of the game was being able to attack without having to wait like other fighting games. Now in the latter levels... you have to wait to attack. I normally don't have a problem with that but it takes the quick pace of this game and slows it down drastically. For example... the undead with spike shields... you can only attack their head or use reflect (which really doesn't do that much damage back). Again, not a problem until you find yourself just standing their waiting for them to move their shield away from their face. The frog and blob and boss wolf are the same. Even though you can attack them anywhere, you can't attack freely. Their multiple quick attacks while simultaneously using their quick alternating shields makes this game less fighting and more turn based. It takes the fun out of it for me.

    I might just walk away from this game for a few days and just rack up on the cash so I can buy executive upgrades. #

    I still give this game a strong 5 stars because it's a fun, well made game. It's music and various components make this game unique. Beyond the frustrations of the the latter parts of the game, I still find myself going back and trying it over and over and over again because every level is doable; nothing in this game is impossible. Also... it's just fun.
  16. riverman_jacob

    riverman_jacob Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    Thanks for understanding everyone. This is one of those things we put in for testing. Definitely should have made it more difficult to pull off!

    For those of you affected by the code: How would you like us to handle it? Should we put a cheatcode in the next version that allows you to zero out your money and upgrades? Or something else?
  17. riverman_jacob

    riverman_jacob Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    Not sure the best way to handle it. This is new territory for me, since we've never had a code like this. On the one hand, maybe people should know to avoid this. On the other hand, since there's no way to back out (yet) I'm worried it will be too tempting, and then ruin the fun.

    Very open to advice here!
  18. rseller1

    rseller1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2013
    Metal casket cleaned it up. Thanks, and sorry for the indiscretion. Just excited to help, lol. Next time I'll PM ;)
  19. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    If you're a random person reading these posts, wondering what in the world we're talking about...some of our members have come across a super cheat code that was left in the game for testing purposes that essentially ruins the entire game experience for you. Seriously, like you'll be overpowered in no time. At the partial request of the developer, I've gone through and deleted any posts related to this code, but if you're a cheeky little monkey and would like in on the code (trust me, you don't. SERIOUSLY!), private message me and I'll try to resist not giving it out to you.
  20. riverman_jacob

    riverman_jacob Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    Appreciate the help, rseller and metalcasket! It's always interesting when your game goes from being played by a few dozen people to tens of thousands. What can happen will happen!

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