Universal The Executive (by Riverman Media LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by touchy85, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Revolvix

    Revolvix Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2014
    I have just skimmed through the thread and I didn't see it mentioned that there is more to the game than just the combat and quick time events. You earn money from your frolicks in the office and you can spend it on a number of things to upgrade suit like defence and health, and your special moves have levels too.

    Also the way you earn money is by investing it in the company's different departments which accumulate whenever you block for example, and other boosts that ticker the balance even when your not playing so there's always stuff to save for. I'm early on in and just met a scooby doo type green slime monster and a fencing frog, I bet later on it gets really difficult! Fantastic game.
  2. riverman_jacob

    riverman_jacob Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    Thanks! So glad you're figuring out how these elements interact with each other. If you understand how each of the company upgrades works, you really can change your fighting style and optimize your attacks.
  3. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    I didn't even read how many levels the game had. Completed the first 30 and thought that was it and the rest of the completion percentage would come from the upgrades, but nope. GOTW and GOTY material here.

    Also, sad to see that some people couldn't get into Pizza vs Skeletons. Very cool platformer.
  4. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Yeah. This is awesome. Just awesome.

    It really is. Sad thing is that it is easy to imagine touch controls that would work eminently well in Pizza, so that those of us who are never comfortable with tilt under any circumstances (not even as well implemented as in Pizza) could have joined the undead pizza party.
  5. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    You didn't read my wall of text, did you? :(
  6. Moocow

    Moocow Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2014
    Tuxedo-clad executives breaking glass and fighting werewolves like some martial arts master... lol. Random theme of the year nominee.
  7. armilla

    armilla Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    This game is really dope, and there's no question that it's GOTW. Don't hesitate in picking this up —
  8. Fep52

    Fep52 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Bah, shouldn't have loaded it up for a quick session before leaving for work! What a terrific game, definite candidate for GOTY. Can't wait to get home and dig a little deeper
  9. eventide

    eventide Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2012
    Pizza vs Skeletons was/is one of the most surprisingly great and innovative games on iPad for me. I skipped it for a while but my son wanted to try so I bought it for him and we ended up playing it more than any other game on iOS. That end credit song will be stuck in my head for eternity. Will definitely be trying this.
  10. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    This feels really awkward playing it on an ipad. How do you do it?
  11. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Totally loving this. It's so unique. I've never played any of the devs other games but I might just have to buy them up. All of there work seems extremely well made. The art is fantastic.
  12. Tulki

    Tulki Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    So my two cents: This game is great!

    The visuals look really cool... kind of a grim "darkest dungeon" or "dark spire" style, if they looked more 3D. Really digging the music too, it gives off the same kind of vibes as late-80s / early-90s sidescrolling brawlers, with lots of jazzy tones.

    It's not a rhythm game, but the gameplay feels a bit like Elite Beat Agents interspersed with Punch Out. You earn cash between levels to upgrade your character or buy new mining company equipment that generates income while away from or playing the game. Good thing is, the mining equipment also gives bonus cash for actively doing stuff (blocking attacks, landing hits, perfecting the action commands), so it's not just an idle mechanic. It indirectly serves as a difficulty slider, letting you allocate more money into equipment for lower stats and abilities but bigger bonuses. The game also lets you sell any upgrades or mining equipment you buy for exactly the price you paid for it, so there's really no fear of wasting funds. The difficulty does ramp up quite a bit as you progress, but this is definitely a good thing and it never really feels unfair since you have a bestiary that tells you the strengths and weaknesses of enemies you've encountered. The visual themes of levels also change every few stages, and so far they look great. Definitely recommended.

    Things I would like:

    - iCloud support. This game is perfect on the go since each level is quick, but the art style looks fantastic on a bigger screen. It'd be nice to be able to sync saves. The mining equipment system would probably make automatic save syncing difficult, but even a manual "upload to cloud / download from cloud" option would be nice.

    - An alternate control scheme. For a regular iPhone 6 it's good. You can make the swipes for action commands anywhere on the screen, but when fighting enemies you actually have to swipe from parts on your character to parts on the enemy, and the bigger the screen is the slower your reactions so this is probably tricky on a 6+ or iPad. If it was possible to add a smaller on-screen control panel or some other solution it would help, though I imagine that could be tricky since there are parts where you get flanked by two enemies at once.

    But overall, yeah, great and well worth the fuss metalcasket made at the start of the thread. Great job, guys.
  13. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Dev said you dont have to swipe on the directional icons. Just swipe in the right direction anywhere on the screen. That said, i still dont have this due to space problems.
  14. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    Thanks! You're the best! Now I can get into this game! #
  15. poppichicken

    poppichicken Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2012
    South Australia
    #115 poppichicken, Jul 3, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
    Big LOL at level 17.
    Giant turtle, giant octopus, a whale, yellow submarines, a goat holding barbells... :D:D:D

    How much *awesome* can one dev possibly fit into a game?
  16. MoHeyNow

    MoHeyNow Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    #116 MoHeyNow, Jul 3, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
    Just had to tear myself away from the game long enough to congratulate and thank you guys for this amazing game!

    I have been looking forward to this since it was first announced based on my love of PvS, but I never expected it to be this good!

    The last time I was this addicted to a game that kept me up all night unable to stop playing was Game Dev Story... So GOTLFY (game of the last few years for me) Well done.

    If you don't have this yet buy it now!
  17. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    This is absolutely ace. Count me as one of the few that didn't like PvS which is why I held off buying this but so so glad I did.
  18. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Wait a second. Wasn't this supposed to be 1.7 GB installed? It's 1.2 for me! :D
  19. FRS

    FRS Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    Absolutely brilliant piece of work and a huge thank you to the devs for making a premium experience for gamers that's so easy to recommend. Support these types of games people, on principle alone, but then stay for an absolutely fantastic game! It's worth every penny.

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