Theres so much awesome in the new trailer. I saw it earlier and rewatched it a load of times. I love the variety in environments, the 2 hand system looks good, and graphics look sick. I cant wait to take out my bow and arrow and start shooting some enemies in november. The werewolf (I think it was anyway) looks really cool.
So. Much. Want. But it's so far away! I guess that's not such a bad thing. I've got too much on my plate right now to get sucked into a big game, and I know once this comes out I'll be virtually incommunicado for a while.
First off, that's is probably the best game trailer I've ever seen. There have been other wonderful commercials for games (Halo, GoW), but this the first one that I can remember that manages such a pure cinematic effect using in-game graphics. Folks are (justifiably) raving about the music, but what really gave me chills was Max Von Sydow's voice over. Don't know how much he got paid for that, but it wasn't enough; his lines were utterly convincing, and his delivery of the single word "Dragonborn!" (followed by the battle cry) was simply awesome. Funny thing is, I really didn't like Oblivion all that much (in fact, I never finished it), but I am now beyond stoked for Skyrim. Now that's effective advertising!
hehe, when it comes out: GOODBYE WORLD ! but while you wait: did you check 6th planet for iphone from newcomer Monkube? First game here with a compelling story, i must say.. didn't know it was possible.. cheers!
This is the 1 and only game that I can consistently list as "must buy" for myself... most other games I decide as I go along if I preorder/buy them or not. Aside from this on the PC I am only looking forward to Guild Wars 2 and RAGE
I really don't know how you can just forget Bioshock infinite.... This games looks really well done... I'm probably getting this,Skyrim,BF3 and deus ex
Let me guess... you haven't checked out the gameplay vids... I didnt like the first two but this one looks good, being in the sky looks great!
I honestly can't wait for this game. I'm a massive fan of the Elder Scrolls games and really enjoyed both styles of Morrowind and Oblivion. A merger of these styles, with some of the gameplay elements of Fallout, is a real winner in my books. November can't come soon enough.
Yeah, what an amazing looking game. As for the new Bioshock... I'll wait til the reviews are out on that one
You are truly wise my friend I really like the idea of random dragonn flying around and attacking you! Imaginig your level 2 killing rats, then a dragon just lands in front of you and pwns you,FAIL!