Web comics are the poop. Actually some suck, so they're just poop. I usually check out: http://xkcd.com/ http://www.lefthandedtoons.com/ http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic http://www.supermegacomics.com/ http://theoatmeal.com/comics http://yellow5.com/pokey/archive/
Did you hear that Deathstroke will be playable in Batman: Arkham Origins if you preorder? Read antics comic.
I was so happy to see that when I saw the trailer for the game. Anyone here read Watchmen? I loved the original novel and will probably get into the prequels soon.
This is my latest purchase http://www.amazon.com/X-Statix-Omnibus-Peter-Milligan/dp/0785158448/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1369091356&sr=1-1&keywords=x+statix+omnibus
Yeah, it was pretty great. I read it just before the movie was announced. I actually really liked the changes they made for the movie. Dark stuff, though. Also, I've gotten Pearls Beforw Swine sent to my inbox every day for the past 6 years. Good stuff.
Have ya'll read Garfeild minus Garfeild. Its like a normal guy is fighting a losing battle against boredom and sinks into mania and depression because of it. Its really cool.
When the first issue came out the creators had a signing at their Local Comic shop. Which happens to be my LCS ( or used to be anyways, long story) I got my copy of issue one signed and ha d a long chat with them.