Have you read Half-Century War? Very well made series. I don't read any Marvel but I am digging what I have read from the new 52. Death of the Family was especially good.
Nice. It is definitely the best mini series IDW has in their Godzilla series. Today I finished reading Deathstroke and man is he a badass.
I just found out HCW is over now. Guess I'll wat for a complete complitation. Well this joe is a hittin the sack now. See ya tommorow.
I actually just read the ultimate Spider-Man and 616 Spider-Man crossover miniseries Spidermen. It was good.
Yeah, that was a really good series. It was almost like a second Fallout series (the first being the one after Ultimate Peter was killed).
Must admit i've never been a Marvel fan. Been reading 2000ad (Judge Dredd etc) for years and glad i can now buy those online. Also a big Star Wars fan, 'discovered' the graphic novels about 5 years ago and loved the way some of the stories plugged in gaps between films etc. Started buying up the graphic novels (spent a lot !), due to a house move i sold all of them but kept all the Star Wars Omnibus books (a great cheaper way to get into these books). Really do like them. But i do most of my reading on my ipad now and hardly buy any paper based books. Walking Dead is another one, bought all the issues online when they had a big sale, love the way it moves from cell to cell when you read them on say your iphone. But Star Wars/Walking Dead/2000ad , love em !
Yeah Zits is really good. Pooch Cafe is really good and sometimes Garfield is funny. Finding all the hidden symbols in Bizarro is quite fun.