Bloody lava room. How do you make the plank print between the platforms? For me it wants to print on the bottom. So frustrating.
When you activate the printing function, use the "Rotate" button. Most of the time, the initial rotation direction is the one toward you (or under you). Just aim a flat surface in front of you almost under your feet and you should be able to see the direction of the platform. I agree, it took me too much time to figure out how to correctly print planks and equivalent platforms. Be careful to always point the cursor some distance in front of you because the appearing of the object is actually existing physically before being printed out. This can push you behind wall and objects and make you stuck/soft-locked...
Another game that seems completely impossible to play on the Apple TV. What the heck is going on with the poor optimization? I was really looking forward to enjoying these games on the Apple TV but alas, I don’t know if that’s gonna happen for most games. Also Apple needs to get their crap together and enable controller vibration. There’s no reason it shouldn’t work!
Played a bit a couple days ago and was liking it quite a bit, but I’m holding it off until an update gets released that fixes the graphics and the bluriness of it.