Link: The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores Xigma Games BUILD SURVIVE EXPLORE Build, craft, gather resources during the day, and survive monsters and raiders at night in this … $4.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsBUILD SURVIVE EXPLORE Build, craft, gather resources during the day, and survive monsters and raiders at night in this survival strategy game. Sequel to the award-winning game The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands The Bonfire: Uncharted Shores expands on every aspect of the original and brings greater depth. Design your city manage resources chains and workers with unique personalities explore procedurally generated world map in ships trade with free cities and discover mysterious dungeons. Build a powerful city and gain magical artifacts to defeat an ancient evil. Information Seller:Xigma Games Genre:Simulation, Strategy Release:Aug 20, 2020 Updated:Mar 20, 2023 Version:2.0.3 Size:1.1 GB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Echoseven Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Jul 19, 2011 6,091 270 83 The red Skittle #2 Echoseven, Aug 20, 2020 Last edited: Aug 20, 2020 Hell to the YEAH. This game is every bit as good as the first and improves on it in every way that I can think of. Plays flawlessly on my iPhone 8, even while screen mirroring to a TV. If you’re even remotely interested in it, it’s worth it. The sense of exploration and discovery of another world that’s similar but also wildly different to ours is very intriguing. — Edit: copy/pasting a comment I made elsewhere because y’all might be interested. So I’ve had this for a couple of days and I can unequivocally say that it improves on the first in every way I can think of. It’s not wildly different from the first game, so if you played that and weren’t impressed this won’t change your mind, but damn I’m having a lot of fun with it. — The core gameplay is split into two stages - day and night. During the day, you can give your people tasks to work on, things like chopping wood, building, farming, mining, and so on. They gather resources which you can then use to build new buildings (which unlock other buildings and recipes) or tools, weapons and armour, which make your workers more efficient. At night, your day workers go to sleep and you better hope you’ve assigned some guards because that’s when monsters come to play. From cow-sized wolves to raiders and house-sized chupacabra, you will need to arm and defend your settlement. You might get new wanderers asking to join your settlement, but you’ll have to feed them. You might send out explorers to distant lands which could come back with treasure... or they may never return. — The game feels like a less complex take on Banished or Rimworld. You don’t control anyone directly - you give them an occupation and set tasks, and the right people will work on the right things on their own. Your job is to balance people, resources and production chains to make sure everyone has what they need to keep busy, succeed and survive. Quoad Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2015 1,108 217 63 #3 Quoad, Aug 20, 2020 I’m in. Instabuy. the first is still on my phone, Insufficiently played but briefly enjoyed. ste86uk Well-Known Member May 9, 2012 6,774 1,003 113 #4 ste86uk, Aug 20, 2020 I was sure I preordered this but it didn’t download and when I checked the store it didn’t show so just got it now. So does time just pass continuously so you need to be quick giving orders? Echoseven Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Jul 19, 2011 6,091 270 83 The red Skittle #5 Echoseven, Aug 20, 2020 You can pause time, resume, or speed up at any point you like. I tend to pause immediately after a large task (like a build) is complete to reassign workers or plan out the next thing. ste86uk likes this. ste86uk Well-Known Member May 9, 2012 6,774 1,003 113 #6 ste86uk, Aug 20, 2020 that sounds great, thank you. Rocksaint Well-Known Member Nov 29, 2013 666 367 63 #7 Rocksaint, Aug 20, 2020 Great game. Enjoying it so far. Has a relaxed, laid-back vibe to it. The music also helps. But the heating is real. My phone (iPhone X) starts heating up after about spending 10 minutes in the game. (Lost 5% battery) Shame, as it's a great game and would love to play for longer durations. Sadly, can't at the moment. MetaGonzo Well-Known Member May 7, 2009 1,459 271 83 #8 MetaGonzo, Aug 21, 2020 Lovely. Perfect evolution of the original. It does indeed get your device hot though; certainly on my XS Max anyway. Would be great if that could be resolved. Tef Member Oct 3, 2019 14 1 3 Male #9 Tef, Aug 21, 2020 Need help here: My Carpenter DOESNT DO SHIT!!!!!!!!! and its driving me CRAZY! I'm at day 67... I keep losing my Guards 'cuz none of the has spears because the Friggin Carpenter doesnt do SHIT See in screenshot here... I asked to make 10 spears (like been like that since day 40) Wood is at 5/5, carpenter level is level 8... but the bastard hasnt done shit in 20+ days and now I'm losing the game because of this F-er! Every night i get attacked I keep loosing 1-2 guards 'cuz they dont have weapons... (they do have armor tho, at least the armorer is not a friggin' slacker like he is!) i tried replacing him... didnt work. i looked at him... and he keeps running around town pushing his empty cart left and right of the village... i though he might be collecting what he needs to make the spears... but no... +20days he been doing that. I'M PISSED! Echoseven Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Jul 19, 2011 6,091 270 83 The red Skittle #10 Echoseven, Aug 21, 2020 Ouch, that’s rough. I’ve had something similar happen to all my builders once - they got stuck in a loop for a day. Only lasted a day though. You said you tried replacing the carpenter - with a different person? I’d try a new person and see if they come to. Otherwise try rebuilding the workshop entirely, that should break up the loop. That sucks though. Rocksaint Well-Known Member Nov 29, 2013 666 367 63 #11 Rocksaint, Aug 21, 2020 There’s a new update out. Might resolve your issue. Do check it out. vonknut Well-Known Member Dec 5, 2013 220 3 18 #12 vonknut, Aug 22, 2020 But the first game was really weak. The first hour were ok, seemed like a good combi of ‘dark room’ and ‘kingdom new lands’. then around 2+ hours, the thin paint kinda revealed the total lack of depth and very weak gamedesign. And dont get me started about the dungeons or the boss fight which was literally stone-paper-scissor (you actually have to choose, using multiple choice ui, then see the result play out with incredible weak animations..). So if this one only expanded a bit, then... Rocksaint Well-Known Member Nov 29, 2013 666 367 63 #13 Rocksaint, Aug 22, 2020 Tried out the carpenter after the update. Seems to be working for me. Crafted multiple carts and spears. Although I’m at a much earlier stage than you are. (~day 20) Xigma Games Well-Known Member Sep 1, 2016 47 5 8 India #14 Xigma Games, Aug 22, 2020 Hi can you see if any other item has been added for construction? A workaround would be to leave only the spear for construction. We are sorry you faced this issue, it will be resolved in a future patch. We are constantly working on fixing any issues that are being reported and have recently updated the game and fixed the issue that caused workers to get stuck after hiding in the woods. mgambino Well-Known Member Aug 13, 2014 159 95 28 #15 mgambino, Aug 23, 2020 This game is heating my iPhone 11 up like crazy. I don’t think I’ve ever played anything that hit the battery this hard (and that includes games like Pascals Wager, Shieldwall Chronicles on max settings, Interloper on max settings). Skall Well-Known Member Oct 25, 2009 500 60 28 #16 Skall, Aug 23, 2020 I may have missed the info but is there icloud save? Rocksaint Well-Known Member Nov 29, 2013 666 367 63 #17 Rocksaint, Aug 24, 2020 Two updates and still nothing related to the heating/battery drain issues. Playing one day on iPhone X is heating it up considerably. Love the game. Wanna play more. But just have to hold off and be patient I guess. Some response from the devs regarding this would be good. djstout and MetaGonzo like this. Xigma Games Well-Known Member Sep 1, 2016 47 5 8 India #18 Xigma Games, Aug 25, 2020 Yes, there is iCloud support. Xigma Games Well-Known Member Sep 1, 2016 47 5 8 India #19 Xigma Games, Aug 25, 2020 Hi, we are sorry for the inconvenience, the issue is persistent in some of the devices. We are planning to add a low graphics setting in the future update to resolve this issue. Rocksaint likes this. Rocksaint Well-Known Member Nov 29, 2013 666 367 63 #20 Rocksaint, Aug 25, 2020 Thanks for the update. It’s quite a shame that the game has to be played on low graphics setting to properly enjoy it. I think it’s more about optimisation than just turning everything down. Because I have played games with better graphics in the past, that do not heat up the device or drain battery quite as much. Anyway. I think it’s high time Apple either implements separate minimum and recommended supported devices section in the App Store so we are more aware before a purchase. Or make it mandatory for premium games to have the option to try first (like a demo) and then buy. djstout and ste86uk like this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Hell to the YEAH. This game is every bit as good as the first and improves on it in every way that I can think of. Plays flawlessly on my iPhone 8, even while screen mirroring to a TV. If you’re even remotely interested in it, it’s worth it. The sense of exploration and discovery of another world that’s similar but also wildly different to ours is very intriguing. — Edit: copy/pasting a comment I made elsewhere because y’all might be interested. So I’ve had this for a couple of days and I can unequivocally say that it improves on the first in every way I can think of. It’s not wildly different from the first game, so if you played that and weren’t impressed this won’t change your mind, but damn I’m having a lot of fun with it. — The core gameplay is split into two stages - day and night. During the day, you can give your people tasks to work on, things like chopping wood, building, farming, mining, and so on. They gather resources which you can then use to build new buildings (which unlock other buildings and recipes) or tools, weapons and armour, which make your workers more efficient. At night, your day workers go to sleep and you better hope you’ve assigned some guards because that’s when monsters come to play. From cow-sized wolves to raiders and house-sized chupacabra, you will need to arm and defend your settlement. You might get new wanderers asking to join your settlement, but you’ll have to feed them. You might send out explorers to distant lands which could come back with treasure... or they may never return. — The game feels like a less complex take on Banished or Rimworld. You don’t control anyone directly - you give them an occupation and set tasks, and the right people will work on the right things on their own. Your job is to balance people, resources and production chains to make sure everyone has what they need to keep busy, succeed and survive.
I was sure I preordered this but it didn’t download and when I checked the store it didn’t show so just got it now. So does time just pass continuously so you need to be quick giving orders?
You can pause time, resume, or speed up at any point you like. I tend to pause immediately after a large task (like a build) is complete to reassign workers or plan out the next thing.
Great game. Enjoying it so far. Has a relaxed, laid-back vibe to it. The music also helps. But the heating is real. My phone (iPhone X) starts heating up after about spending 10 minutes in the game. (Lost 5% battery) Shame, as it's a great game and would love to play for longer durations. Sadly, can't at the moment.
Lovely. Perfect evolution of the original. It does indeed get your device hot though; certainly on my XS Max anyway. Would be great if that could be resolved.
Need help here: My Carpenter DOESNT DO SHIT!!!!!!!!! and its driving me CRAZY! I'm at day 67... I keep losing my Guards 'cuz none of the has spears because the Friggin Carpenter doesnt do SHIT See in screenshot here... I asked to make 10 spears (like been like that since day 40) Wood is at 5/5, carpenter level is level 8... but the bastard hasnt done shit in 20+ days and now I'm losing the game because of this F-er! Every night i get attacked I keep loosing 1-2 guards 'cuz they dont have weapons... (they do have armor tho, at least the armorer is not a friggin' slacker like he is!) i tried replacing him... didnt work. i looked at him... and he keeps running around town pushing his empty cart left and right of the village... i though he might be collecting what he needs to make the spears... but no... +20days he been doing that. I'M PISSED!
Ouch, that’s rough. I’ve had something similar happen to all my builders once - they got stuck in a loop for a day. Only lasted a day though. You said you tried replacing the carpenter - with a different person? I’d try a new person and see if they come to. Otherwise try rebuilding the workshop entirely, that should break up the loop. That sucks though.
But the first game was really weak. The first hour were ok, seemed like a good combi of ‘dark room’ and ‘kingdom new lands’. then around 2+ hours, the thin paint kinda revealed the total lack of depth and very weak gamedesign. And dont get me started about the dungeons or the boss fight which was literally stone-paper-scissor (you actually have to choose, using multiple choice ui, then see the result play out with incredible weak animations..). So if this one only expanded a bit, then...
Tried out the carpenter after the update. Seems to be working for me. Crafted multiple carts and spears. Although I’m at a much earlier stage than you are. (~day 20)
Hi can you see if any other item has been added for construction? A workaround would be to leave only the spear for construction. We are sorry you faced this issue, it will be resolved in a future patch. We are constantly working on fixing any issues that are being reported and have recently updated the game and fixed the issue that caused workers to get stuck after hiding in the woods.
This game is heating my iPhone 11 up like crazy. I don’t think I’ve ever played anything that hit the battery this hard (and that includes games like Pascals Wager, Shieldwall Chronicles on max settings, Interloper on max settings).
Two updates and still nothing related to the heating/battery drain issues. Playing one day on iPhone X is heating it up considerably. Love the game. Wanna play more. But just have to hold off and be patient I guess. Some response from the devs regarding this would be good.
Hi, we are sorry for the inconvenience, the issue is persistent in some of the devices. We are planning to add a low graphics setting in the future update to resolve this issue.
Thanks for the update. It’s quite a shame that the game has to be played on low graphics setting to properly enjoy it. I think it’s more about optimisation than just turning everything down. Because I have played games with better graphics in the past, that do not heat up the device or drain battery quite as much. Anyway. I think it’s high time Apple either implements separate minimum and recommended supported devices section in the App Store so we are more aware before a purchase. Or make it mandatory for premium games to have the option to try first (like a demo) and then buy.