As most of you already know, Apple featured "The Best Games You've Never Played" in the App Store. Most of us here on TA already know/played most of the games on that list. Which games, in your opinion, do you feel are "The Best Games You've Never Played"?
I'm referring to Apple's list regarding the thread title. Let me rephrase the question... Which games do you feel are the best games not many people have played?
Where is the list of games that Apple is listing? I am on iTunes and looking at the main page of the App store, and I don't see anything.... nvm - found it - I was on the iPad site...
Yeah. I don't know which game that I haven't played is the best. I haven't played it... But I'm sure it's awesome. Anyway, to be serious... There are a couple of "hidden gems" and "overlooked games" threads, so I'll just comment on Apple's list (which seems a lot like TA's buyer's guide). On that list, the game I'm most curious to try is "Dungeon Scroll." I'd never heard of it before, but it sounds kind of like Sword And Poker, only it would be more like Sword And Scrabble. Sounds like fun.
I did not make up the phrase. In the App Store, the list is referred to as "The Best Games You've Never Played".
I'm assuming most people here have read the front page article here on TA or have seen the section in the App Store to know what I am referring to. But I understand what you mean.
Spirit,Mr.Onions,Kometen, Mega Jump, Lil racerz, cubed rally racer, fruit Ninja, Above, I know I left some out
How about Tap To Flap? Not one on apple's list but one that i have found this one of the most addictive games on my iPod Touch! iTunes link:
To be honest, most, if not all of my games are ones which are quite well known/hyped up. I guess the only one I can think of is SFIV, but really I think that's because people on TA simply aren't interested in Street Fighter.
I will say this - I picked up Spider about 2 weeks ago, and it hasn't left my ipod yet - and I have been playing it tons.