The best freemium mobile games are simply better than best paid mobile games

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by hitmantb, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Heh, funny idea for a thread, I found myself getting somewhat shunned in the main forum's recent darling, Hero Gems, because I dared to point out that while it was good, freemium Match-3s do it better because in my experience they do.

    While it is all very nice to point out that fiscal success does not necessarily equal a better product, that being true only dismantles part of the original proposition, and then only partially, because, objectively, we aren't talking about McDonalds vs. Outback as the one recent example, no, we are talking about thousands of games vs. thousands of other games, and if you see a trend that one type consistently outperforms another in the market to the degree that we do see, it is harder to claim the hypothetical, "A does not necessarily imply B!", is actually the case.

    I mean, sure, you can keep saying it as absolutely as some in this thread are, but it is itself no more a true rebuttal than the initial claim and comes off more as some sort of religious catechism to shore up a belief system you for some reason don't want to have challenged. Obviously *more* people are voting with their wallet for one style of gameplay, so all the claiming they're stupid, they're sheep, they're idiots, etc. to explain it away is an even more flawed argument since it's context and data free. Unless you can point to the study that shows that, on average, Clash of Clans and Candy Crush players are dumber than Super Crate Box and Wayward Souls players, it's just treating the other audience as "other" to avoid asking yourself if maybe you're not that different at all and it turns out that your refined tastes maybe aren't all that refined after all, just more narrow and niche than most of your fellow man's.

    Anecdotally, I am a hybrid. Grew up playing Atari 2600, Colecovision, NES, moved onto Playstation & PC games, etc.. Also spent many thousands of hours playing PnP role playing and tactical tabletop games. I am not the stereotypical casual gamer yet my most played, most paid iOS title by a landslide is a freemium title, Battle Camp.

    The publishers of BC are not "good people", and they sure aren't indie. They're cut throat libertarians with a game economy that models the realities of trickle down economics to a fault. Even as a "non"-spender for most of the game's history, you would still need to spend a fair chunk of change for the necessities of storage (I put in about $200 between the game launch in Sept 2013 and Sept 2014, haven't put any more money into it since then having reached the point of self reliance for my level of competitiveness).

    That said, they make a damn fine multiplayer game that no matter what you want to put down on paper as a negative (and I could make a LONG list of flaws with the game mostly coming from their hyper intense monetization), it is still a far superior experience than most any other game I've played on iOS. It has kept me playing throughout my day for nearly 18 months because the one thing you can't deny is that constant cash flow = constant development.

    Meanwhile the cream of the crop premium games I've played are mostly long abandoned (where art thou Solomon's Keep 2?), or games that are wonderful distractions for a month or two, but then get stale and you move on (Foursaken's best titles fall into this category).

    But a single player experience that can rival coordinating with 24 other people around the globe to the degree that BC requires? Can't be done. And laughable to think the game could be done with a single up front price that would be acceptable to the majority of mobile games and justify the amount of development that continues on the game given the world we live in.

    I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to which is inherently better, but it is undoubtedly true that, whether the typical TA forum denizen wants to admit it, many freemium publishers are crafting more engaging experiences than the premium ones are.

    If what you want is a finite, defined experience, premium all the way if the developer has a good vision and the knowhow to execute it within the budget their *one time* influx of money is going to cover.

    But if you want something that is going to amuse you for months to years, something that is going to let you build a community perhaps, that is next to impossible do for a one time payment of a few dollars. The biggest irony is how the first thing people want to know about before parting with their $2.99 is if the game has replay value, if an endless mode is going to be added (for free), and if there will be more content (for free) - quite often the typical "premium gamer" wants all the benefits that come from freemium published games, they just want it in perpetuity for a fraction of an hour's pay :p
  2. Modjular

    Modjular Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2014
    I can't say I agree with your logic about "nothing to show for it". Since when was value determined by physical objects? You could get into the entire topic of Materialism but I'll just point out that Netflix has people paying regularly, yet customers don't get anything physical back; they get a movie, a service they can enjoy and share with others sometimes.

    Clash of Clans is about the experience dude, and (most of) those that put some money into it will probably never regret it, because they had a good or even better time enjoying the game.

    I feel like a lot of people on this thread just are set against free-to-play, and are trying to devalue the experiences that they bring. Just because they're different doesn't mean they're any less of a game.

    You know what makes more money than a steak-house? Starbucks! So is Starbucks better than steak? Of course not, they're not comparable, but I'd say they're equally enjoyable food experiences. Steak is something you'd sit down to enjoy, but coffee is something you can carry around with you at work or home, enjoying in sips. (hell yeah, food analogies)
  3. sivad

    sivad Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    All analogies aside, I don't care ;) play what you want, and so will I.

    Final thought is, profit doesn't make it better quality

    (gotta get last word in)
  4. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Should rename this the TL;DR thread.
  5. EvanJO14

    EvanJO14 New Member

    Feb 4, 2015
    How much did the battle camp devs pay you to say this lol jk
  6. Indyalpha

    Indyalpha Member

    Sep 6, 2013
    I like F2P or (free) games, or at least the option. I've learned that an lap to upgrade a sword/stat/ability will make me happy for about an hour (at most) before asking for more of the same, so why do it. I don't play many multi-player games, so I cant speak to that much, but it a fight is close to being fair I just love beating someone who I know has put much money into it. I have enough games I like that I can switch between timers, and honestly I feel timers sometimes actually pace some games I would sit and play all day, or would finish too quickly. the fact that there are solid arguments for which quality is better should only prove that the quality for both types is all over the place, and only really quantifiable on an individual basis. I firmly believe in supporting developers and have bought many upgrades, sequels, and new games (I read reviews thoroughly and by ones I KNOW I'll like). really the best case scenario is that each developer implement the pay model which works best for them (the real problem is stupid people paying into stupid models, the uniformed and naive mainly). face it folks, all models will stay for a while, ranting will do little, voting with your wallet will do a bit more, but I'm afraid only time will tell. (pretty sure they're all here to stay though!!)
  7. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2010
    Just checking

    Seems like my posts are not making it to the forums. I'm wondering if I have been banned for some reason.
  8. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Maybe you caught the glitch, I've had that before, you might have to change some settings on your profile.
  9. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    LOL, I wish, but, no, the only thing they are interested from me is me paying them more than I already have. The phrase I always think of is "the worst game you'll love" :p
  10. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    This thread is an example of what happens when someone who's obviously wrong refuses to be wrong. Now it's steered way off from the original topic, should be closed or something. That is, unless someone is getting the kicks out of reading the little tiny arguments in between the main one.
  11. hitmantb

    hitmantb Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    #231 hitmantb, Feb 12, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
    No one will ever invest in a high production value, paid game in mobile space ever again.

    The argument is already won everywhere except TA. Other than cheap console ports to milk a couple of bucks from nostalgia, traditional tier-1 publishers like EA, Capcom, SNK and squaresoft have already moved to full time freemium and guess what pays their bills? It sure as hell are not the console ports and they sure as hell are not going to make paid premium games from scratch after they see their balance sheet.

    It is Touch Arcade that is still clinging to the past and illusion that indie teams have any chance against the billion dollar war machine of freemium. Obviously play what you enjoy, but the bigger studios will crush small ones with brute force alone. Talented developers either go freemium make enough money and become a big shop, or stick to their belief and go broke.

    Even successful indie shops like Chair had to cancel projects like Infinity Blade: Dungeons. It is not going to be a pretty 2015 for indies. As far as I am concerned, it is already dead.
  12. hitmantb

    hitmantb Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    #232 hitmantb, Feb 12, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
    Thanks for speaking the truth! Honestly the financial resource difference between freemium and paid developers is so big, it is like NBA (where the average salary is 4.5 million) vs NBDL (where the average salary is 45K).

    Battle Camp looks really interesting! The art is not my cup of tea and probably why it never hit top 10 grossing, but I loved Puzzles and Dragons and finally got bored after almost two years. I really wish Gungho would adapt PVP/guild/raid features from other games.

    As short as a year ago Puzzles and Dragons was making more money than Clash of Clans, but like most Japanese companies, too traditional, too conservative, not enough social elements. Now Clash of Clans is top grossing everywhere, Puzzles and Dragons is only dominant in Japan. If they ever implement Battle Camp features I will revisit for sure. But like console gaming, Japanese mobiles games nowadays are only big in Japan, they can no longer hit top tier success in western world.
  13. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    #233 oscar123967, Feb 12, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
    Freemium games are finiancially better? No shit. But whether the actual a game is better is just a matter of opinion. That argument cant be "won"

    I play Clash but I say that Geometry Dash is a better game. See? Opinion

    But wait I think that Hearthstone is better than both of those. I love me some strategy. So freemium is better right?

    But wait I play True Skate much more than any of those and enjoy it more. Does that mean that premium games are better? Nope. So freemium games are better? Nope.

    It means I like True Skate more than the other games. I like the design of the game more than others.

    If youre judging a game simply by how much it is earning, then theres a problem.
  14. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    #234 Anonomation, Feb 12, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
    The argument isn't won if you can find Premuim games everywhere, let's say the argument is won within the people who don't care, it seems you just don't care about Premuim games. Infinity Blade Dungeons wasn't cancelled because of freemuim last time I checked.

    Don't jump to conclusions saying "the idea is already won" like a little child who's stubborn about their wrong answer.

    I mean where's the common sense in this thread? He literally just said "Premuim gamers" want the "freemuim experience" even though "video games" started out Premuim in the first place. Are they funded by EA to try and change our opinions on Pay to play/win? This is ridiculous!

    HE CALLED EA TIER 1! Since when did Capcom and EA establish that they are going fully freemuim?

    Do they not understand that freemuim games are just a source of money, they shouldn't even be considered games. We call it "money grabs," or a game simply made to make money. By what source are you saying they are simply better than the Premuim games?

    Let's translate what he actually means:

    My opinion is fact so freemuim games are better than Premuim.
    I swear he's like Aristotle with Democritus.
  15. Shaun Musgrave

    Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Freelance writer, teacher, business owner
    Ibaraki, Japan
    You shouldn't say mean things about Japanese companies. They might shut down the company behind your precious Clash Of Clans.

    That they bought.

    With the money they made off of Puzzle and Dragons.
  16. hitmantb

    hitmantb Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    Softbank, not Gungho, bought 51% of Supercell. Softbank is not a Japanese gaming company and as big as Gungho/Supercell's successes were as gaming companies, they are still relatively small compared to say, Softbank's investment in Alibaba. At the time Gungho/Supercell both made billion dollar mobile games and there is no way for one to buy the other.

    I have nothing but love and respect for Gungho's revolutionary PAD and it is one of my top 5 time-spent games of all time. I personally enjoyed PAD more than COC (the amount of time/skill required to plan/play clan war at highest level is a little too much), but I have no problem admitting COC will go down most rankings as the #1 mobile game of all time.
  17. hitmantb

    hitmantb Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    This is 2015, how gaming "started" is irrelevant. In the long run it is simply not possible for teams averaging $100K per game to compete with teams averaging $10 million per game.

    EA is without any question tier 1 as a gaming company, whether you like them or not. When did Capcom/EA/Square release a paid, made-for-mobile game that was not a cheap console port? How many of such games have they released compared to their freemium releases? The writing is on the wall. You guys are on the verge of extinction outside of indie/amatuer teams.
  18. Shaun Musgrave

    Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Freelance writer, teacher, business owner
    Ibaraki, Japan
    What's Capcom got in the F2P charts? I must be missing something. They honestly don't strike me as being interested in mobile these days beyond leveraging it for ports. The port of MonHan 2ndG brought in more money than any of their F2P attempts did, and that was an ancient PSP game.

    Similarly, although Square seems very interested in trying to grab some F2P cheddar, none of their several attempts have stuck at all, beyond DQ Monsters, which is only ever going to be released in Japan. I'm dead certain they'll keep trying, and I certainly don't see them making too many more original premium games unless Chaos Rings 3 does unexpectedly well, but they too seem to be pulling most of their money off of ports. They have the back catalogue to keep milking that plan for a while.

    The biggest successes with Square's name attached in the F2P side of things seem to be the licensed stuff they did with DeNA, and I'm sure DeNA's benefiting primarily from those.

    EA, I'll grant. They're doing quite well with F2P and seem completely uninterested in anything else. Others you didn't mention but also fit include Konami and Namco.

    On the premium port side, 2K and to a lesser extent Ubisoft seem to be doing alright. Neither seem interested in original stuff, though.
  19. hitmantb

    hitmantb Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    #239 hitmantb, Feb 12, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015

    They did extremely well with Smurf but hasn't done much since. Been licensing things out (like Nexon's Street Fighter Arena) instead of doing things in house.

    Monster Hunter is a non-factor, not even on top 500 or top 1000 rankings. You can not do console ports and expect to be successful.

    Sorry I shouldn't have called Capcom/Konami tier-1, they are not even tier-2 in 2015, how the mighty have fallen.
  20. Is that what you're hoping for/ looking forward to? When Smurfs Freemium games or CoC are our only choices? This thread has gone from your claims of profitability (and how that somehow equates to best/most fun) to simply gloating that those of us who like our premium games don't have as many choices as we'd like. Is that why you created the thread in the first place? To rub that in our faces? Because I'm pretty sure most of us are already aware of that and that's why our hearts sink every time we see a promising game come out and it's Freemium.

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