It will be good. There's a vigilant review team that only allows good porn that meets the human interface guidelines into the store.
already saw this on MR. I hope App adds multiple syncing with macs because Home Sharing is a joke and JB is meh. But if it's not that, maybe they will release the Mac app store sooner.
Oh you kids. This isn't unimpressive to me. This is monumentally unimpressive. I never bought Beatles music on record because I knew a format with harsh-ass compression and possibly DRM would one day come along. Who's laughing now?
At least I'm up $100. Everyone who cares about the Beatles enough to "remember this day forever" won't remember anyway because they already own the albums in a superior format.
How dare the Beatles be allowed to share in my day Seriously though, this is lame. I know some (mostly dead) people like the Beatles, but even if I liked them (which I don't), it wouldn't be that great.
"If it's not something I care about personally, it is a major disappointment and overhyped." Like it or not, The Beatles are one of the biggest bands ever both from a commercial and critical standpoint. The iTunes Music Store is the largest source of legal music in the world. If you can't see the significance of even The Beatles being available on iTunes I'm not really sure what to say.
I had assumed the Beatles were already in the store. Maybe there will be reason to celebrate when iTunes get's Michael Jackson. Oh, they already did, unceremoniously. Let me know when Nirvana oh, them too, in the dead of night. Well then call me for the party when Beethoven is available in the iTunes Store.