I've been getting a lot of lag as well, especially when being swarmed by wolves. But has anyone been experiencing crashes? I'm starting to get them a lot, particularly in transition between areas of the world and inside of buildings. I'm running it on an iPad 1 5.0.1 by the way.
That's not how you swap weapon classes in this game. See that lute icon above your directional pad? Tap it and scroll through the menu to select your weapon type. I have yet to experience any lag or crashes on my ipad 2 iOS 5.0 but I have noticed glitchy flickering textures in several areas. This game seems pretty good so far and I am really enjoying it though I try not to stare t0o hard at the terrible textures in the game. lol
Got this last night and so far having lots of fun with it. One thing I don't understand though - I keep picking up stuff, like boar tusks, candlestick, diaries, and they all go in what looks like an inventory sack. But I can't find that stuff anywhere. Does it just get converted to gold? Or am I missing something?
Everything gets auto-sold unless you are supposed to use it. If you find a weapon better than the one you are equipped with, it will sell that and auto-equip your new weapon. I miss having an inventory and then at the same time its not so bad when youre playing a mobile game. Less to deal with.
Ah ok, good to know. Yeah, inventory shuffling and item comparisons can be fun sometimes, but it can become cumbersome too. Heh, kind of odd that diaries would be worth gold, but I get the feeling that most anything goes in this game.
Today for the first time the game crashed when I got a phone call. I started to play in airplane mode and that fixed the problem.
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Yeah same here. It looks like it's not Compatible with multitasking. So far, I have spent more than seven solid hours and never crashed on me, or got slowdown/lags, just when I recieve a text or a call. The absence of Autosave is also killing me. There are ingame places/checkpoints where you can save manually and those checkpoints can be far away . You probably know what I am talking about. GC not synching isn't a big deal for me, but I hope we see a patch soon. Anyway, I am at the dangeons (chapter 10?) and it's really tough. Those zombies are really hard to kill.
Anyone else having problems with game center achievements? Like not getting them at all? Edit: ok i just read the posts back and seems like there are sync and gamecenter issues. Hope it'll be fixed. Still a great game!
Come on, anyone? I've asked like 3 times in this thread. Is anyone seeing all the IAP choices out there. Hook a brother up!
Have you even started a game yet? lol. Well if you look closer, in your character menu screen(click your health/mana icon) you will see on the bottom right a big ol fat 'Purchase Upgrades'. There you go!
Hahaha! I didn't even know that was a damn button. Too funny. BTW, I'm fighting the undead Vikings. I'm such a boner some times! Thanks again! I kept going to extras in the main menu.
I'm so annoyed I saved a game I thought right before the end against Lugh in the second tower and now I'm like a save behind. Slowdown aside this game is the best release on iPhone in a long time. @myronotwillneverdie Don't blame yourself toouch the menu screen is really cramped and awkward.
i would agree with Gabrien, the game really has some technical flaws and is not that great either but there is one good thing about it, the language and voice acting. i always loved this part in bg or other great games and now it's really quite seldom. on ios it's probably the only game which has not just dialogs and text but really something interesting. i am not taking about jokes or other stuff but about the quality and originality. maybe it's funny to hear it from the person who does not speak english well (i understand everything but to speak good it's a different story), but i really think the game is worth its price just because of it, however i agree that rpg part and gameplay are nothing special.
Haha, yeah I remembered that part. Right now, I am crossing the "narrow" river and have died six times already. Very challenging and funny game