Allow us?? Is that what the issue is? Didn't know Apple purposely didn't allow more storage Anyway, now for something relating to the game, I just noticed that you can zoom a bit by pinching in and out. Also by using two fingers you can rotate the map 360 degrees, it took me awhile to figure that out, maybe it explains it later in the game but I just got started.
These gameplay videos are really helpful. Thanks for making them. Since Infinity Blade II and Call of Duty Zombies II are reportedly having crash issues, I think Bard's Tale will likely be the only game I buy this week.
How about discussing the game (which IMHO is brilliant and worth the money/space!) I've played about two hours so far and it just gets better and better. However I've noticed I haven't unlocked a single extra yet - and there seem to be quite a few of them. I'd rather find them than pay 69p to unlock them, so does anyone know how you find the extras in-game? I love the humour (which is not too corny and spot on) and the graphics and gameplay are great too. Seems like it could be a long game as well (for an iOS game).
No problem with my 64MB iPhone 4S. I have MC3, IB 1 and 2, Epoch, Dark Meadow, the updated Chaos Rings, the Bard's Tale, and dozens of other large games (not to mention music and a couple of episodes of the Wire). Still have about 16GB free on my device. It is actually okay for a developer to release a 1 GB + game. It would not be okay for that developer to force you to install it. But then again, you don't like the game, so it's hard to understand why you are still complaining about it .
In honor of the game's release, I decided to run as many copies of the original as I could on my iPhone: Apple II / IIgs (Best of FTA) Spectrum ZX (Spectactulator) / DOS (iDOS) NES (SDBall 1.0) ...the easy ones, at least. I haven't tried changing games in Commodore64 or Defender of the Crown (Amiga) PS> I'm not jailbroken!
No problem with my 16GB iPad2, have to do some management but turns out I can only play one game at the time!! I'm also impressed that you can put all that stuff on you phone, I mean 64MB!? Those episode of The Wire must be blurry!
All the copies of The Bards Tale I just posted are a lot smaller than 64MB. Maybe he blasted those episodes with a few shots of his Mr. Spud Cannon to get them to fit...
8GB -16GB iPhones are for light users who mainly browse and store music 32-64 GB are for iPhotographers and iGamers It is as simple as that. It was a no-brainer for me to pick the 64GB when I upgrade to the 4S. If you want to save money and buy the basic models, than you can't have 10 or more games of 1+ GB. That makes you a hardcore igamer. So finish a few games, uninstall them and move on to the next. Anyway, I wish there was a way to store a save game file somewhere in the cloud so that in case you uninstall and then want to play it again you can still merge the old save file (a few games have this, like real racing and galaxy on fire)
I'm complaining because I possess the modicum of foresight required to see beyond the life cycle of this one game alone. What's your take?
That is part of the characterization... the "hero" is more a sleazy scoundrel with little notion if chivalry. Just say no to being uptight.
I see ports of big budget 30+ hour games with full VOs remaining a small percentage of releases on this platform for the foreseeable future.
I'm not being uptight, I'm just wondering, since Apple generally goes into rage-mode over that kind of thing. Anyways, RPG parodies with anti-heroes never get old; I'll likely pick this up once I get my next gift card, assuming no critic reviews between now and then change my mind.
This. If we didn't have to worry about losing our saved games, memory management wouldn't be an issue.
and we would be able to do a clean re-install instead of always have to restart from a backup. My iPhone 4S carries on backups that originated on my iPod touch 1st gen back in 2007.
3.2 gigs was not enough to d/l & install this, 3.6gigs was, for anyone interested. Size is not an issue to me, nice games are. I would gladly delete some stuff once in awhile for games like this. I just wish they would say, here is the amount you need free to install this game.
Appstore says 1.34gb (packed) and 2x1.34 equals 2.68. I tried to guestimate it (i.e what it would be unpacked and then doubling it), hence clearing 3.2gigs, yet it wasn't quite enough. Hence my post So how do you know the unpack size prior to buying so you can clear space? get my question now? unpacked size is sweet, but there is no way to know what it is prior to install. They should just tell you 3 things, how much to d/l, how much initial space, and how much final space.
You should really use iTunes to sync bigger games onto your don't need any extra space, and it's much faster.