I may or may not have jumped the gun a little bit on that one. I apologize, and for my ungentlemanlike accusations, I bring you the gift of 40 of the fattest pigs
Thanks, but I think I should have put a bigger sarcasm-sign on my post. That's the fun part of such an humour; as you stated. People getting all upset until they notice the hidden grin. Oh, and you can exclude Germany from the bacon shortage list. We have lots of pigs. If they're used up, we just eat the rich. There are more than enough swines among them (politicians, etc). And last: the Blessed Ones are the Muslime. They never had and will never have a bacon shortage. Btw., we have a big "I love bacon"-social group on tA. Checked it a year ago the last time. Where does it went?
Just felt the urge to post this: And there is even a Youtube channel for the best and ultimate bacon songs.
I've got 2 lots of bacon in my fridge. Aint gona be no PC brigade takin it frum me. May bacon is mah chomp chomp. Rawwww.
If bacon didn't exist or the cut production all together. Just think, no bacon sandwiches with brown sauce, the full English breakfast will have to be renamed the 1/2 full English breakfast.