And lucky for us that the insatiable insane zombies ravaging the earth outside our bunker and game reserve are severely allergic to maple syrup and pancakes... That stuff is lethal to could kill them!!!
To quote you" There is no refrigeration in a zombie apocalypse" Pre or post? I guess I'm saying zombies are a constant menace!
Pigs are so smart they are capable of many things including playing video games with a joystick I say stop the slaughter now!.....lets go vegan!
I can't understand the bacon shortage thing. Instead of culling all these pigs, why not send them the Africa to help the starving etc. I'm wondering if their's anything safe to eat anymore, so much stuff gets put in things and sprayed on them. Their's the beef issue, now the pig thing, fish stocks going down and even questions about rice. The only thing left is the humble potato.
Yes it's terrible the amount of food that gets thrown away! And still we can't feed the world There's even some doubt about whether some organic food is all that much better than regular They also say that most food born illnesses come more from vegetables than meat so.....who knows! Up here in Canada is the tainted meat crisis because of greed and a lack of inspectors and the constraints of time and money and what happens....adults and children get sick from E. coli It's amazing to think that so many eat rice and yet there's arsenic in it and apparently there is no safe level for arsenic...a known carcinogen! So what we have is a globally connected world where everything affects everyone and unfortunately building a bunker or game preserve might be too late But we must be optimistic that many are working on behalf of humanity to ensure safe quality food for everyone
Ok! The first movie we shall watch in our bunker will be Bill Mahers Religulous! To heck with the post apocalyptic world outside our game reserve! We'll be safe indoors eating chips and bacon and have women of our choosing(wait a second that doesn't sound right) I mean women who love us who are willing to have our children to help repopulate the depleted earth!
Christianity doesn't believe that women are inferior to men. Sounds more like a vacation than a refuge from the rest of the world
Hard work bro, I was just telling my dog that as I sat on the couch for the past 2 hours playing gta3. She didn't seem to buy it and wanted to go on a walk, so of course I took her and am now ready for a relaxing vacation in this bunker-island-game preserve-bacon buffet-mating territory we've created.
I like your description of a "bunker-island-game preserve-bacon buffet-mating territory" for a vacation!!! Sounds like a five star hotel advert I'm pretty sure dogs like bacon so ya bring him(or her) too!! GTA3 on a 120 inch plasma screen would be cool along with nachos and beer....of course bacon too..what was I thinking!!