Never heard of it, but I'll probably check it out when I don't have so many games and so little time I take it you enjoy TBS? Have you tried Battle for Wesnoth? I don't have it on ios, but I've played it loads on the pc-one of the best in my opinion. It's not on ios, but you might want to check out Fire Emblem. I've only played one of them but it is to this day my favorite TBS and one of my favorite games ever. Edit: Nevermind I need gyro to download it.
Well if we do, just remember I've got an old memory card, and I think Enjoo does too. What did you have in mind? I'm pretty sure undead doesn't like WOW style MMO's but I guess there are other styled MMO's. Are we talking hardcore or casual? I know a pretty fun mp flash game called The Last Castle. That's about it, I don't play many pc games anymore. Maybe Minecraft?
Parcheesy also mentioned ace of spades which Poweroflava said that you could run it with a computer from last century. There's also a free version which I might download.
You know what I will recommend.... The only problem is that rendering that many entities at once will surely melt almost everyone's GPU.... It runs great on my PC, but I'm running a Nvidia GeForce TX550, so I can pretty much take anything at this point. What are your specs, Parcheesy?
Yes, both on PC and on iOS. Played quite excessively on PC since version 1.4 or so, but stopped once I was through with all the campaigns that interested me. The iOS versions I did not like too much, especially the interface does not translate too well to iOS for me. Thanks for the reminder, will check what new stuff is there for PC, last time I looked was almost a year ago.
I know and I played a boatload of those too. On iOS, Battle for Wesnoth contains all the default campaigns, I think. But you cannot download any new ones. This one is no longer maintained. iWesnoth is the big deal. It gets updated regularly when they release a new mainline version. AND you have access to all the usermade add-ons (campaigns, multiplayer maps, factions). But I did not try iWesnoth yet, as the original iOS-BfW did not convince me that it translates well to an iPad. The user interface is geared very much for mouse/keyboard use. I checked on their homepage and saw a few I did not know yet and that sound interesting, e.g. this one: - Danse Macabre: Undead Campaign Guess it will appear on my harddrive again soon.
When you know what to buy, and where to buy it, you can get some crazy deals and stuff. I'll PM you my complete specs and where I got them, as soon as I dig up my list.
enjoo just chack out ace of spades on youtube or something and see if you like it. I sure do. Plus there are like 15 servers so we can all go in one. Also , it doesn't takelong to install.
Might buy a gaming pc very later on or the new playstation as my hardcore gaming device... Might be a fun and frustrating experience.
PC's are more versatile, as you usually don't get excluded from games because of who's making them. They also can be as powerful as you want. Consoles are more mainstream, and almost every AAA game is released originally on them.
Don't know yet. An iPad for iOS gaming is what I want right now. That's $1600 for all three... I better start saving up those pennies.