The Antwar Saloon

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Sheinfell, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. undead.exe

    undead.exe Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Hmm: guess I should probably check it out when I get back to my home country >.>

    So PvE-side, they've managed to work out a lot of the problems with cooperative play, which is definitely a plus. My other SW friends have mentioned that the quality of the game mechanics and the overall IAP system in Black Dawn is sorta suspect, but their tastes are fundamentally different to the co-op focus over here at TA (you won't believe the mountain of glitches and exploits available in SW if you go looking for them).

    From what I gather right now: the skill tree should be of interest, but don't expect anything actually competing with a game console -- which I haven't ever, really. I'm just after something I can play for the heck of it, and if our resident teamwork-focused player says it's got it, it's definitely worth a look.
  2. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    Depth is definitely a challenge for iOS, and sadly (but not unexpectedly), BH doesn't have it any more than other similar titles do, but the co-op is just so refreshing.

    You burst into a room of level 25+ players, and you're first chat message is, "Wanna see a really powerful boss?" Burst into a room of level 10- players, and they're genuinely glad to see you and thankful for the help.

    Freyr actually has achievements for saving players and being saved by others! :eek:


    The game isn't perfect, and the Mithril thing is, well, the Mithril thing, but it's SO EASY to progress and have fun. I feel like the Mithril is truly for those who are impatient or need to collect...

    Oh, did I mention you can TRADE RARE WEAPONS AND CHIPS? Yes, TRADE!

    Not perfect, but it's feeling like two of my faves (SW:AI & BTHD) had a love child... :eek:;):D

    In short, this IS my current "for the heck of it" title, and Freyr is about to gain a little IAP, which, if anyone is familiar with my posting history, says PLENTY about the game... :cool::D

  3. ThePowerofLava

    ThePowerofLava Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    Hrm..... Trading items perked my interest, and even If the game isn't amazing, I guess the community is friendly, soooooo....

    I'll try it again, maybe I can ignore the IAP this time.
  4. Parcheesy00

    Parcheesy00 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2012
    right next to you
    is nice to see DBC happy :D
  5. ThePowerofLava

    ThePowerofLava Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    Good seeing you in-game, DBC.

    My purple lvl 6 assault rifle is beginning to suck pretty bad..... Time to grind arenas!
  6. undead.exe

    undead.exe Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    You guys mind doing a role-reversal if/when I finally start playing? I may be in need of some assistance to catch up to you guys if yu want a functioning teammate as opposed to a wee little newbie zombie >.>

    (Still overseas atm, so no real time to play until maybe late-ish October)
  7. ThePowerofLava

    ThePowerofLava Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    I would very much enjoy teaching game mechanics to the mechanic himself :D

    The game is a bit grindy, though. I kind of wish Arenas paid out a bit more.
  8. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    I would freaking LOVE the opportunity to repay your (not forgotten in the slightest) display of kindness... not that you'll need me. I can't explain it, but my journey to Level 25 was just beautiful...

    @ Parcheesy00 - If you knew me irl, you'd see plenty of happy, but yeah, Freyr done good this time. :)

    @ ThePowerofLava - It was AWESOME to run with you for a bit! If you EVER see my rooms, come on in! :D

    ThePowerofLava, don't be afraid of hanging with the "big boys." I haven't for an instant felt a grind, to the point where I IAPed out of guilt :)o). The MP players are all so friendly, most of your leveling should end up coming from running maps WAY above your ability level. Two or three Arena #3 runs will net you approximately 150-200 thousand and 20-40 Mithril, and no one seems to mind. Just chat a bit, shoot stuff, try not to die, and enjoy the run!

    If you start a room and you're concerned about your level, ask for help in the comment section! I made a few Level 25 friends early on that way, and they just started showing up whenever I opened new rooms!

  9. undead.exe

    undead.exe Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Looks like the update for SW has hit. Might take a little getting used to -- they've modified some of the controls to prevent "combos" being possible anymore (you can't fire two slow weapons back-to-back properly, so they've effectively killed most variants of the Twin Snipers, RPG Combo and Synthesis -- they've also made the weapon scroller spin backwards when tapped; why they did that, i haven't a clue).

    No new gear or PvE content -- one new PvP mode which effectively resembles "juggernaut".

    On the Black Dawn front: two friends have warned me to stay away from PvP if you haven't got strong gear -- the equipment-based advantage is even more pronounced here than it was in SW. Seems they're agreeing that PvE is pretty good in terms if cooperative and friendly people, but the PvP side of things isn't pretty.
  10. undead.exe

    undead.exe Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    What d'you mean "repay"? Haven't you already forgotten what you did to my BTHD ranking? You already returned the favour there :p

    It'll feel good to roll with the Arcadians again -- it's been MUCH too long since our last SW-based antics (probably a year now, by my guesses)...
  11. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    So, no new PvE content for SW, and I still cannot warm up to Black Dawn.
    Rolling again - as undead puts it - would definitely be fun; just don't know where.

    Other than that, I started playing Shadowrun Returns. Excellent roleplaying game, from what I've seen so far, being a few hours in. Your choices *really* have consequences: be it your skills that open/close options in dialogues; which way you talk to people (e.g. threatening, well-mannered, or outright primitive); if you go in guns blazing, or try to talk things through first, etc. Even with the few crashes I had, this is top quality. Highly recommended. I can already tell I won't leave it at one playthrough, if I find the time for more than one.

    And I am reading this guy:
    Excellent writer, who plays through all PC RPGs available, starting at the very beginnings in the 70s. It's on the level of a very well done historical documentary, great read if you are interested in gaming history (or if you just enjoy a good write) .
  12. Parcheesy00

    Parcheesy00 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2012
    right next to you
    ive still got to download it but im glad that we all found a game! :D

    its gonna take a while for me to get used to playing together again :D
  13. Arrow0x

    Arrow0x Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    ??? what happened
  14. Arrow0x

    Arrow0x Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    LOL last post was 9 months ago
  15. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    You mean your last post? :confused:

  16. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    #456 Nullzone, Oct 23, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2013
    Hey, someone else here is still alive and kicking ;)
    I was on a like 2 week hiatus, with unexpected stuff like kid getting sick and boatload of work at my job, but I am still around.
    Currently playing Warhammer Quest only, and having lots of fun. Any of you folks have it as well?

    Almost forgot: iPad5? Anyone putting money aside already? :)
    What I've seen so far looks good. Waiting for much RAM it has (wishing for 2+ GB). Only thing I do not like is the smaller border on the long sides. Unfunny with my big fingers. The border of the iPad2 isn't wide enough to hold my thumbs completely, they stick out a few mm.
  17. Enjoo

    Enjoo Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Still haven't DLed the Black dawn game. Finding the time to delete and reinstall a game as well as update 10 other games I can't. Looks like the iPad mini is a better deal unless you need the bigger scree. I think that the smaller bezels look batter on it. Glad to see the iPad mini has an a7 though so I may consider buying one if I don't get a PC...
  18. Arrow0x

    Arrow0x Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Yup. Not playing much lately.
  19. Arrow0x

    Arrow0x Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    iPad Air. Looks pretty cool. Perhaps my parents will consider it. I'm fine with my MacBook Pro.
  20. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012
    Hey there!

    iPad 5? Yesh! We got burglarized about a year ago (in the middle of my Graduate program! :eek:), and have been patiently waiting for the "next best thing" announcements on iPads, iPods, laptops, and iPhones to spend our insurance dough, so we're about to GO SHOPPING! Yeah! Woo hoo!

    I have gorilla hands as well, so we'll see which one I ultimately end up with. Honestly? I REALLY want an iPad specifically designed for comics (8.5x11), and one for gaming (the Mini probably), but sans those separate options, I'll probably opt for the biggun...;):D


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