Felix is not in, but you are welcome to hang out in his bar. Created because we folks from the Star Warfare thread wanted a place to hang out and chat. Other people are of course welcome, so feel free to drop in! And if you do not get the reference, this is a good opportunity for me to recommend two books, both from John Steakley: "Armor" , and "Vampire$" (which was made into a good movie, too).
"Vampire$"? This $ sign thing is getting a little out of hand, what with Ke$ha and all too =.=" Hey all, great to have a thread where we can chat AND not be accused of going offtopic
Had to look up who/what Ke$ha is, guess I am getting old Anyways, Vampire$ quite predates her. The book is almost as old as she, and I am quite sure she wasn't "published" with that name And in the book it at least makes sense: "Vampire$, Inc." are vampire hunters for hire.
Epoch? I just saw in the Epoch. thread that some of us are still playing it. DBC, Capricornman; and Exact-Psience seems to be the master of robot combat I dug it out again myself, busy going through Ultra mode and the Arena.
iPad2 Wifi connection problems on iOS 6.1 Question for everybody: Since I upgraded my iPad2's iOS to 6.1, I have massive problems with Wifi connectivity. E.g. our Macbook has perfect Wifi connection in our bedroom, while my iPad2 doesn't get any. Before the iOS upgrade, I still had a connection. Sometimes it is so bad that I have to stand directly next to the router to get a connection. My girlfriend's iPhone5 has the same problems, also on iOS 6.1 . Her old iPhone4 wasn't on 6.1 , and had less problems with the Wifi connection. Does anyone have similar issues? Any suggestions for resolving it?
Not sure if it's a similar issue, but I've had instances where my iPad 3 is indicating that it's connected to 3G, but it's actually connected to the wifi (I can tell because I'm right next to the modem, and I can see the flashing lights indicating that the modem is responding). I can't say I know what's going on, I'm afraid, other than the fact that there's something seriously odd about the iOS wifi connectivity...
My iPad doesn't have 3G, so that part is out. Our old iPod3 should still be on iOS 4.x , I will test with that one, and file a bug report with Apple if things work better with it.
My 4s does the same thing. As soon as I disconnect from wifi (or the modem runs a security check) I cannot reconnect until I reset the modem. I did some searching, and apperently it ONLY happens on iOS 6+ and only on iPads and iPhones. A lot of the "fixes" include resetting the network settings (settings>general>reset>reset network settings), unlocking certain ports on the modem, taking down the firewall, etc. Needless to say, none of it has worked for me so far. I have also noticed my wifi speed is dramatically slower than normal (when I can connect), so I think it has to do with some sort of conflict between iOS 6 and the network providers. Or it could be iOS 6 being crap again.
I am quite sure it is iOS6 crap , as I did not have these problems before the update. With 5.x all was fine, with 6.0 it turned bad, and with 6.0.1 my Wifi completely went down the drain.
Hey Sheinfell, I'm bound for various parts of Europe next month. Got any general advice for someone bouncing through London, Paris and Norway?
Only been in London once, like 20 years ago; and never to Paris/Norway, so I cannot really comment For London, you could hop over to the Spellcraft thread and ask "LeChatCurieux", she lives there if I remember right. And I think one of the 3Goblin developers as well. Paris: I don't like the frogeaters, so no clue, but I can ask my girlfriend. Norway: Check the weather, depending on where you go it might be quite cold and snowy. From what I know, they have some very beautiful landscapes; and if you are interested in history, you should be able to find lots of things to visit, ranging from bronze age to Viking times. What are you up to, a roundtrip? Feel like hopping by in the Netherlands?
Ahh, would've dearly loved to now that you mention it, but our itinerary's already been set: family wanted to hit Europe as soon as I was done with my uni degree. Perhaps I'll drop by another time I've heard plenty about Norway's weather already, though the advice I've usually been getting is "dress warm or your extremeties will freeze and fall off!" -- can't really say I'm looking forward to Norway when that's the only thing I hear about it...although the natural and historical landscapes sound like they'd be of interest, I've always wanted to get away from the contemporary concrete jungle... Thanks for that, lemme know if you need any advice if you have any plans to drop by Australia at any point
Okay, so it's 33 degrees outside, and I'm in class wearing shorts and a light shirt. Yeah, we're crazy up here But, when you're used to subzero temperatures, 30 feels more like 70.
I don't think so. Not yet, at least Yeah, it gets pretty chilly here. The snow will come, compact into the slickest ice you could ever imagine, melt for a day, and the freeze again, all while getting more snow. It's great for skiing and pulling pranks on each other, though.