Universal The Alchemist Code (By gumi Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    Me 3 for Xenoblade 2. I don't even have a switch yet and will be purchasing one JUST because of this game...not that others won't get released that'll be good too...but xenoblade chronicles is in my top 5 favorite video games ever...maybe number 1.

    Btw, this game looks amazing for a ftp srpg.
  2. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    Lately the ONLY mobile game I have been playing at all is Valiant Force (and I seriously play it ALL day long). There are great games I need to get to, like Morphite, but just not having as much time as I'd like. That said, I can see myself making room for this one. Its not just absolutely beautiful and has AAA storyboarding and cinematics, but its the only srpg i've played on mobile that I didn't delete after 12 hours or less. Way to go Gumi.
  3. RedDeluxe

    RedDeluxe Active Member

    Nov 9, 2017
    I'm digging the production value on this game so far. It's been pretty great.

    I don't think it'll get me to spend any money though. But I'm still enjoying it.
  4. adamphetamine

    adamphetamine Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
    Programmer/3D Modeling
    Bethlehem, Pa
    Great game, very strategic and fun. A ton of depth to this game and the story, while cliché, is quite good. It's a gacha game so be prepared for RNG with copious amounts of salt as the 5* rates are low.
  5. Pagan Fox

    Pagan Fox Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2012
    Very polished Gacha, managed to pull a 5* Yomi and several decent 4* after only three rerolls.
    Hell of a lot to do and very generous premium currency drops means I'll be playing this for some time (sorry musclehustle)
    IGN is PaganFox if you want to add

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