If you get a chance can you give a quick thumbs up or down on Warheads Splinter Cell Conviction Brothers in Arms Shrek Kart HD I might get them anyways, but I have so many games that I don't play, I am trying to be a bit more responsible, 1 dollar at a time...
Phantasy Star II is $0.99 now. As is ChuChu Rocket. Doh, I feel a little silly now. I waited for a sale for CCR, picked it up, and now it's lowered again.
I will definitely be picking up HoS2 HD and BiA2 HD, but what about Let's Golf 2 HD? the review are saying it crashes a lot. I really enjoyed the first and was wondering if anyone else has had any similar problems with crashing?
Apparently (according to the reviews at least) that if you start it up again a weird screen comes up. Have you experienced anything like that?
Sonic 4 has dropped to $4.99. I still won't be picking it up though as it lacks Retina support. They must be having problems selling it because it's dropped to $6.99 twice already and now has dropped even lower.
Warheads: Thumbs up. It's basically a 4-sided, 2.5D Missile Command with bonuses. Beautifully rendered, though lacking antialiasing so the camera wander will show off lots of jaggies, even on the iPad or Retina displays. Easy to overlook though. Splinter Cell Conviction: Big thumbs up. Really well polished game with good stealth and sneak attack mechanics. Looks awesome on Retina, even better on iPad. Brothers in Arms 2 HD: Likewise, great game, lots of polish, good controls. Shrek Kart HD: Meh. Wasn't impressed by this. For a buck, sure, but I wouldn't pay much more. Crash Bandicoot was marginally better, but they're basically the same game.
Just picked this up. REally liked the lite byt was on the fence about the $8 price tag. But at half price? Sold!
Warheads - Free! also full version with ads and don't have Game Center. I don't see ads while playing it anyway. Try it for free