[Testers wanted!] Golem Rage - Our hardcore cartoon adventure with punches & humor!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Zuke, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. Zuke

    Zuke Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
    Indie dev stole my life.
    #1 Zuke, Mar 21, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2018

    Hello fellow forumers!

    My name is Ivan, and I'd love to finally present our first video game ever, after 2 years of work!
    Of course, I'm not alone : I had the chance to gather a team of brave french/belgian indies, working under harsh conditions, without any funding, remotely (in different cities), and part-time. I'm very lucky : I met amazing people, and after countless months of efforts, bugs, delays, doubts...
    We made it work ! :D

    I created 2 topics during the development of our game, we even had a few articles on TouchArcade (which were marvelous <3).
    This is my last topic about our indie game, I wanted it to be nice!

    I just uploaded an exclusive version of the game with 19 levels available!
    We'd love your feedbacks <3
    (cf. details at the bottom!)



    We wanted to propose an original mix : a Beat-Them-All (slow paced, lot of various actions), and a Runner (fast-paced, very few actions) : the combo would be a hardcore arcade adventure, requiring strategy & reflexes to bash or avoid the enemies, and survive all the levels!


    We loved the Golem from the beginning <3 We wanted to give him feelings!
    So we implemented these hand drawn scenes telling his story, exploring a new life & exploding a new kingdom


    'Cause you're a wooden Golem, half stupid, half warmachine, but fully lovable
    You don't know why you were created, why an army is trying to get you back, and now you're just looking for a place feeling like home...

    Well... "looking for"= "smashing everything standing in your way", but hey, whatever works.


    We created a dynamic strip cartoon generator, so enemies could drop punchlines while fighting against the Golem!
    Our whole crazy tale universe in the same tone : we had a lot of fun adding jokes, visual animations, even crafting the levels' titles :D



    - To try the game with TestFlight : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeemE3V50DBWaeGdUP1-dfvUpH0COizRpg8mYLH7pGyfJITEQ/viewform
    Just fill this form (or send me your apple ID in PM ^^), and we'll register you as an official tester!

    /!\ You can totally play the game on iPad, but you might experience a few not optimized textures / features, in the forest and when grabbing enemies. We'll fix them as soon as we can, our iOS developer just became a father ^^ /!\

    - Our trailer : https://youtu.be/ftyoee9HbGY
    - Release date : April 12th on iOS (Android will follow shortly after!)
    - Duration : 3-7 hours (depending on your skill, it's hard to tell :D )
    - Content : 11 enemies, 7 environments, 6 attacks, 3 styles/trinkets to unlock, 40 classic levels, 14 trial levels (get hit = you die & retry)
    - Price : 3.5€. We don't really like freemium (at all), we're fond of classic games you can master & finish :D

    Hope we'll be hearing from you guys!
    So many thanks, to you all, for the warm welcome we had here.
    It kept us going forward, that's what all indie devs need.
    It's been an amazing ride.

  2. Bergatron

    Bergatron Member

    Jul 19, 2017
    Looks cool. Cartoony games are fun to play. I look forward to trying it ESPECIALLLLLLLLLY since its not a freemium game. I have spent alot of cash over the years on the app store hhhaha and the game I hang on to playing are the 2.99$ 1.99$ etc. If the in app purchases isnt for expansions, there is a 25% chance Id even download it. I love supporting indie developers!
  3. Zuke

    Zuke Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
    Indie dev stole my life.
    Thanks man! :D Yeah, I get you on freemium games. Can't wait for this business model to disappear or finally come clean (only good example for me is Rocket League !)

    Let me know if you enjoyed it, or for any criticism ! It's very useful for us indies :)
  4. Bergatron

    Bergatron Member

    Jul 19, 2017
    Sure thing, Ill play it tonight and let you know. I appreciate the invite
  5. dreadnok

    dreadnok Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    I came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum I'm ou
    Sweet! Glad it’s finally coming out just signed up and told my friends
  6. Zuke

    Zuke Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
    Indie dev stole my life.
    Just added you ! That's fantastic mate :D

    I'm in France, so I'll add up all the email adresses when I'm awake, don't worry if you don't get it right away !
  7. jpgold

    jpgold Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
    Online Ad Sales - Pandora
    New York, NY
    Done and done

    Looks awesome
  8. lightasammo

    lightasammo Active Member

    Jun 7, 2016
    Submitted #. Will be happy to give some impressions.
  9. dbagga84

    dbagga84 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
    I gave it a try. It’s not for me. If it wasn’t a runner it would be though. It’s not your game, it’s me I just don’t like runners. But I will say it looks very good and the sounds are nice. Some of the swipes felt a little off, like I’d swipe backwards to hit 1 guy but nothing happened and I’d get hit, or I’d try and roll forward into a group of enemies before punching them and again, nothing would happen and I’d get hit, but sometimes the swipes worked fine so I dunno maybe it was just me. Anyways it’s a good looking game that I’m sure anyone who likes runners will enjoy. I personally didn’t read info about the game thoroughly enough otherwise I would have known before taking up a spot to test . Lol.
  10. Zuke

    Zuke Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
    Indie dev stole my life.
    Thanks a lot guys !

    @dbagga84 : don't worry about taking a spot ^^ Thanks for the feedback ! To have the swipes working well, we put a minimum distance to actually swipe with your finger in order to launch the attack.
    Sometimes, very quick swipes are not accounted for, but we cannot really avoid it : if we allowed them, you'd be launching attacks every second without wanting it !

    It's fun that you say that about runners ! I have the same opinion (life can be weird sometimes :p), that's why I put so much gameplay in ours.
    The game we had in mind at first, was a pure beat-them-all, with dynamic features to kill the player if he didn't move forward fast enough (to avoid static panels with enemies incoming, rather slow).

    If (let's imagine) we were going to start all over, with all that we learned, I think we could pull it off.
    But, as young indies with a clock and no money, we made some choices, cut some ideas, and we focused on delivering something solid ^^

    Our first project failed because it was too ambitious, our next one will be (fingers crossed), so stay around ;)
  11. lightasammo

    lightasammo Active Member

    Jun 7, 2016

    Thanks for the download. I'm not a huge fan of auto runners but I love beat em ups which is exactly why I wanted to try this! I actually like the running aspect because it gives even the easiest level replay value in order to get the best completion time I can. Otherwise, I would probably only go back to another level if I needed to grind for something. I'm only on level 11 but here are my impressions so far.

    - Sound is good and animations are well polished
    - I'm a fan of the way the difficulty ramps up. The first 5 levels were a bit easy but then the game introduced new elements and characters with good spacing.
    - I LOVE the levels where you can fail in 1 hit. This is a great addition. You could even add this is a completion option on every level for some type of badge above gold. Maybe Diamond!
    - Digging the ability to upgrade my golem. The more upgrades the more replay value.
    - The shadow under the Golem is a nice touch that helps me exactly how close I am to spikes or hazards.
    - The game is actually fun!

    Some Issues:
    - The tutorials are good but sometimes help too much. For example telling me to avoid going head on with the archer is fine but figuring this out for myself can be the fun of gaming!
    - I like the touch and swipe controls because they free up screen space so I can focus on the nice animations. However, there have been quite a few times where things got heated and the controls did not respond or did something I didn't want to do. I have no issue with trying again because of my fault but if the game kills me then that can be a problem. I don't know if it's possible but adding an option for buttons to do various moves could be an option people may like. That being said, I like the placement of the attack button because it is comfortable to reach.

    iPhone X: Some of the screens are not optimized correctly on the X or the notch gets in the way if it is on the left hand side ( which prevents me from blocking my speaker with my hand ).

    - The game map is cut off on the left side but right side goes to the edge. On the left it is just black where it is cut off.
    - Whenever I tap on something and the background goes dim to give the pop up emphasis the dim area does not cover the entire screen. Usually it leaves the left and right edges at full brightness and just looks like a dark transparent square in the background. This happens on the initial comic strip as well.
    - Some of the splash screens with tips on them are cut off by the notch when it is on the left. Some are ok though.

    If I find anything else as I'm playing I'll be sure to post up!
  12. Zuke

    Zuke Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
    Indie dev stole my life.
    Wow, first and foremost : thank you for taking the time to write this! It's an amazing feedback.

    Your pros list is such a relief to read :) We completely re-did the learning curve several times on these first levels. Considering the gameplay is kinda new, we got lots of feedbacks (at first) saying that we were rushing too much on making the game difficult from the start. We wanted everyone to be able to assimilate our features :)
    So, reading that you like the growing difficulty made my day : I spent probably 100-200 hours on this.

    - Adding an hardcore mode for classic levels already is in our mind :D We intend to propose free updates that'll add even more hours of gameplay into Golem Rage! We have so many ideas, but we'll need the game to perform to implement all of them.

    - Even with "AVOID THEM" on the archer's tutorial, when I look at the time people make to complete this level, they're basically punching all of them XD

    - Okay, so this input problem could be an issue. We may propose both ways, 2 UIs =buttons & swipes, but it'd be a bit of work, so probably for an update post-release. The planning is tight now ^^
    Thanks a lot for reporting it, we'll keep it in mind for sure.

    - Thank you so much for the iPhone X feedback. We worked on the game for a 2:1 ratio, I thought we covered everything. So your feedback is very valuable for us.

    Many, many thanks again guys. It's amazing to have you.
  13. Zuke

    Zuke Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
    Indie dev stole my life.
    New FX!

    Hello guys!
    Thank you so much, to all people who tried our game!

    We're working to the last minute to improve it. Here a few FXs:

    Feedback us <3
  14. Zuke

    Zuke Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
    Indie dev stole my life.
    About that swiping problem

    Hello guys!

    So, we're investigating that swiping issues you have. We lack of enough devices for proper testing, but it appears to have something to do with de dpi.
    I'll update as soon as we found something useful.

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