You could always make an obsidian generator for cash, but when you kill the eye of Cthulhu you get about 50-60 demonise ore
Defeating EoC is easier with a sky bridge (floating tiles of whatever block you have most of) and a musket with ~1000 musket bullets (depending on your aiming skills; I'm horrible). Get a musket by destroying a Shadow Orb in the Corruption (purple area). If you don't want to build a sky bridge as it may impede falling stars, you can flatten out a long bit of terrain and just run back and forth aiming for the big eye. You can melee the little ones for the occasional hearts. Hope this helps!
Anyone know the deal with hard mode on this version? I'm not there yet but close, I've see people report it doesn't work. Can anyone confirm that on this version? No too upset if not, I love this game so much I bought for my 360, again I'm very surprised they left so much out of this version as the 360 one is only 36 mb.
Any tips on finding shadow orbs? Absolutely torn the corruption apart and can't seem to find the third orb.
I beat the eoc. Thanks for the help. I hate using weapons without unlimited ammo. What are you guys using? Flails, swords?
Generally for the eoc you'll be right with full gold armour, a gold sword and a boomerang and a couple of healing potions. Others have done it with less. I used some magic boomerang or something I had found. It just means that you can throw it up in the air and get hits on the eoc when its some distance away from you. A sword is not that ideal because if your getting hits on then it generally means the eoc is approaching you and about to put some damage on you. I reckon a decent boomerang is the way to go, and they're not that uncommon as drops in chests.
The best ore is hellstone but I recommend an obsidian skull before you try to mine it. They're a cinch to make and you will need obsidian to make the hellstone bars anyway. It will also protect you from meteorite ore.
Thorn Chakram works well. If you have an enchanted boomerang, keep it with you so you can make a flamarang.
If you're still in Gold armor or worse, make armor. Having a full set and a space fun (crafted with meteorite bars and fallen stars) will cause the gun not to use any mana, making it pretty powerful for a mid-game item. The Meteor Hamaxe is also useful as it combines the axe and the hammer into a single tool. Ignore the Star Cannon and the phaseblade until you have more meteorite than you know what to do with as they are only moderately useful. Late game, the bars are still worth making for the meteor shot (bullets), which ricochets.
So meteorites fall often? I got one and will do the armor. I have the jungle chakrum and love it. What else is good that is unlimited ammo?
You could always use mana- there are some magic items that let you cast remote control fireballs and stuff