Universal Terraforming Mars (by Asmodee Digital)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by BigDich, Dec 3, 2019.

  1. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    1) It’s a-sync but from what I’ve seen, the answer to this is actually no. You have to create a game and wait with the game creation screen open. That’s what I’ve gathered but I’ll try again soon. I think that’s one point of complaint.

    2) I got no friends. Can’t help. But wouldn’t be surprised if this was janky as well.

    other things probably already mentioned are that in game names are not displayed. You’re just a colour with some sort of random number assigned.

    and notifications don’t seem to work.

    so basically if you want this for multiplayer, then I’d say give it a pass at the moment, and wait for an update.
    Single player on the other hand is good.

    edit: also, match finding is slow. I couldn’t find one in like 3 minutes of in game waiting. Which is quite a while to wait in game. And shows the player base isn’t that great, and will probably dwindle further if multiplayer issues aren’t sorted soon.
    skoptic likes this.
  2. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    No, you are totally right. At the moment, it seems that the matchmaking is SYNC, meaning you have to wait for everyone to join (if not, the game will just cancel if you leave the app).
    But the game in itself is ASYNC, meaning that everyone can play when they want (with a timer limit for each turn you can set).
    However, I haven't tried it myself but from all the reviews I read, this is the info I got. Still, there is the possibility to join Quick Matches which will pair you with a game in creation automatically.
    skoptic likes this.
  3. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    Thanks both, I have such a backlog that I’m being more strict! All my sync matchmaking games tend not to get played, but hopefully it gets improved :)
  4. Ringerill

    Ringerill Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Just for info, an update came up juste today, fixing quite a lot of things for multiplayer.
    It is not easy to understand if the async game creation has been corrected but there is a change like this: "Fix for an issue preventing the creator of an online private game from returning to the game’s lobby after leaving it".
    So it seems that they do know about the online problems and are taking care of them. That's some good news :)
    Surely at one point they will integrate the async because it is a must nowadays.
    Talbs and skoptic like this.
  5. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    The game is async though so far as I’m aware....(it just has/had niggling issues which kind of made it essentially not async such as requiring to stay online while players join a match).

    there was a fix for notifications even. That’s an async thing. I’ll try and try it with the update lasted today.
  6. skoptic

    skoptic Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2015
    Hey All,

    there was an update 2 weeks ago with a ‘complete rework of the online flow’.

    no idea what that means, but only thing I need to tip me over to buy is the ability for async joining of games. Anyone know if this is possible in 2 scenarios, public games and private games?
  7. Chq

    Chq Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    Bought it these days, the game left me with the same feeling you had, i think.

    Greetz Chris

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