Also i'm assuming they'll be a fusion system to add skills from other characters into each other. Else, what's the point of unlocking additional slots on characters with only 1 job?
There's no relationship between single/multiplay and online/offline. Game needs to be online mainly because of security issue, to prevent hackers to hack the game easily. And of course social component is a part of the reason, even it's a single play game.
Wait... What? I don't know how you're getting one minute timers but looking at the game right now, it's looks like 5min = 1 stamina.
So when the game is released worldwide, can I keep my current account if I download the game from a different app store? I was lucky to get a SS character from the first 5 bolts, so I really want to keep this account instead of starting over.
When the game comes out worldwide, next time there's an update for it, download your country's version with your main Apple ID to your computer through iTunes. Sync your device to iTunes and it will overwrite the older Canadian version. There may be a way to do it without iTunes if you're one of those new-fangled "cordless" iOS folk, but in my experience, your device expects you to enter the Canadian credentials to update to the Canadian version of the app. ------------------------- On a completely different note, they confirmed on their Facebook page they've fixed the Lizardfolk bug but us iOS users will have to wait a while since, well, Apple...
I know in my life I rarely ever get lucky. This game included. My luck stat must be permanently stuck at 21. I doubt I'll ever get an S or SS. Where are all these people getting them? I'll probably end up with another fat A character again.
I feel for ya! Just for fun yesterday I deleted the game and reinstalled in the hopes of a better card. I started all over again which is okay because I wasn't too far into it. Well it kind of worked. With my initial five energy bolts I did get a S class character Djugan the Sightless. But my other characters are kind of meh and levelling up and surviving each level keeps getting harder and no bolts are coming my way. I've got zero bolts at the moment and I'm wondering if I get anymore. Keep the faith
Hmmm.. so you restarted your entire progress to get 5 bolts (you start with 4 then get 1 more the next day)? I thought you already used the 5? Or did you keep reinstalling the old save data? I should have thought of re-loading the game when I get my first 5 energy full but I thought it was one of the games where all your progress is saved on the server so deleting and installing again would put you in the same spot.
No I didn't do any save state. I just started the game right from the beginning with a different user name. After all isn't this the beta phase
Ah okay. So then didn't it take you a while to reach 5 bolts?? I recall them not giving you 5 right away. You have to wait a while to get the last bolts. Anyhow, I wonder if usernames are unique. Will they ever be "taken" or will everyone get a unique number on their name?
Hey sorry for the delay , I was on the phone. Didn't you get the free gifts from the devs? One of those gifts was four bolts. Some are coins. That's how I got the five eventually I got the extra bolt as another gift last night. Then I went to the tavern and spent the five bolts and got the S class character. Guess I was lucky. At the moment I have no bolts and I'm getting beat up pretty good on the level I'm at right now so.......yep I'm just hanging in there
Well at least you got something! I feel like I should've did that though if you don't get an S, you'd have to wait another day to get the extra bolt +1 as a gift. Restarting now seems to be too much for me so I probably won't. I think I've put in maybe 5-6 hours already and got a bunch of items from grinding. I would hate to do it over again.. ack.
I hear ya! Yes I was no where near the hours you sank in so I thought I'd give it a chance and restart. Well I got one good S class and the others in my party well. NOT too great! And nothing is happening except losing the level I'm on. I even played the metal level once today to get lots of exp for my team and then I went back to that level in the story and I still lost! What a grind at the moment. I must say when I restarted all over again I felt like I understood how to play much better then the first time around and yet it's still a grind.....ack
Just found out that Beastfolk Mage also resets to Level 1 after exiting the game. Even the Skill Boost also resets to 0.
I got a total of 3 bolts on my 5th day of consecutive login. Nice! Yesterday I got 1500 coins and 1 bolt.
Yeah I was just about to post that. Looks like 5th day is the "big day". I wonder if tomorrow it resets. Though that'd mean 1 bolt tomorrow? Well I think the S was worth it. Everyone else is pretty much the same no matter how you start the game. The bolts are the only difference maker. On the upside, at least the game isn't so much about having super strong units but also learning how to fight different enemy formations. In a way, it'll always be challenging
Liking this so far. Up to chapter 8. I'll list some of the harder fights I've encountered so far. Spider boss that keeps respawning acid pooping minions Levels with the hp draining drones that hit like a truck Thats about it. Levels are doable so far. Chugging through with my A rank archer from ny first summon and C rank fodder.
It's an interesting game for sure! I'm getting much better at strategy but right now I can't get by the final battle in chapter 4 scene 3 Gallus. Can't figure what to do against the final boss battle, it's way too powerful and wipes out my characters so fast even my S class character. I would prefer to have better characters right now to level up rather than levelling up some characters that I'll ditch eventually if I stick with this game long enough that is