I have a lot of issue with the bosses that lay traps with the 4s. I should have spent more time playing and not rerolling ###
Chapter Four Is there no Chapter 4 included in the game yet? Finished Chapter 3, then it says, "Up Next - Chapter 4: The Sound of Silence" but nothing is unlocked on map.
It will be unlocking today your time. BTW just read if you can't pull a z guardian there's no point playing. For those ftp, try to pull at least a z guardian or two ss. And at least one z weapon else reroll.
Huh...? What's the reasoning for that? No point in playing is pretty harsh. And the average player is never going to reroll.
I rerolled until I got at least one z. It took awhile, but The first time I got a z class pull, I managed to get 3, a guardian and two pieces of gear (weapon and armour)
Im out right now have been for a few days Waiting on some updates to fix it some things just arent flowing right seems to take forever to do anything and The weirdest thing is I cant play it if Im on WiFi if Im off WiFi works fine and this is the case no matter the WiFi Im on and the only game I have thats this way
Why is it that there are no posts on the entire internet about this train wreck older than September 2017? Anytime I try to login, I get endless load screens. I was able to open the app the whole month of March, but not anymore. Every time I get locked out, I do a quick google, only to be directed to almost year old posts like this game doesnt exist or something.
Lol less than a year it going to close down and it's not world wide release wtf seriously... Btw the game sucks to be honest
This saddens me because the game had potential but ultimately (imo) it was not nearly as good as the first. I'm glad I actually stuck with TB1. I only played TB2 for a week or so (rerolling and all that) and then gave up on it. I didn't like the new gameplay design, the dragging system, the gacha, etc. so I just went back to TB1. I don't really play TB1 anymore aside from the dailies but I have a pretty good account for playing since day 1 and I've done dailies for 80% of the time since TB1 was released. I remember feeling so drawn in with TB1 but with TB2 and didn't feel that anymore. I guess the combat was fresh before but the new game didn't feel smooth and well structured like the original. Again, I'm sad to see this go but I hope they continue the series itself. I wonder what will happen to TB1?