Simplified online multiplayer tennis game from Spiel Studios, makers of the Man vs. Missiles games. Testflight acccess is here: Planned launch is Feb 20th. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
I made some matches but it seems too much semplified IMHO. As with Tennis Clash, the matchmaking is not properly made, I saw people with much, much higher values than me in the first court, so I think it’s something similar to TC where who can afford high grade items has the advantage over the others. Honestly, in TC you can have more control on the shots, in particular speaking of angle and direction, here in Tennis Stars swiping left or right hitting the bell doesn’t seem to make great effect. However, I’ll wait for the final version to see if things will change.
Thank you for the feedback! In the new build, we have added an additional control for Pro-players which will give them greater control on the movement of the character. Largely, the movement of the character is automatic and the primary control for the user is timing of the shot & the direction. Now, you'll also be able to move the character after hitting the shot, by tapping on the screen. So if you anticipate the return shot to be in a specific direction you can start moving your character so you have a better chance of reaching the ball. Secondly, as you upgrade your skills of the character, the wide shot angle of right/left swipe increases and you'll start noticing the difference much more! Overall we've tried to keep the game simple, fun and casual to attract all kinds of players, and at the same time keep it challenging & realistic enough for Pro-players to compete. (We hope we've got the balance right !) Please keep the feedback coming, we would love to improve the game further! Meanwhile, the game is now available for Pre-Orders:
Thanks for explaining in details what the final version of the game will be. Just made the pre-order!!