For anyone curious.. Online rankings, you start with a score of 600, Uses 10 ^ R/400 with a k-factor of 32. Be interesting to see how it works..
Just noticed the online leaderboard is sorted the wrong way round. Unforunately I have to uodate the app to fix is as apple don't let me edit that attribute on a live leaderboard! Might try and email them to see if they can edit it and save me some work..
"Star-Cap" system seems to work well, but at the end of the match you will see offline stars and this could be confusing.
Yep, I'll look into that when I fix the leaderboard sort order. Just had a really fun match with Alwaysneedsleep. UK to Australia connection and it played pretty well considing that! Think I need to improve a bit further the game with higher latency, but it's not far off..
Yep good game Elton Im not sure how to interpret the leaderboard. Is it the higher the points the better or lower the points the better? And am I right in saying there has only been 19 players online based on the leaderboard?
Still got players creeping too far in on serves in 2 players. Looks like I'll have to close that off even more brutally next update. Wish people would just play fairly and not look for exploits... Can't believe anyone finds it fun reducing a game to that??
The leaderboard sort order was wrong, and I can't easily change it as they don't let you edit that on a board once it's live! I've emailed apple to see if they can change it without me neednig to make a new one, and sumbit an update. So right now, being at the bottom is GOOD! (More points = better)
Still playing this, after restarting Career a few times because of the various updates, and buying more gold than I need in order to support an excellent developer. I'm holding off on playing any online matches until the leaderboards are sorted out (I want that Elo pure!) but just wanted to say "Keep up the good work." So keep up the good work.
Much appreciated! Thanks Should be putting in a fix for the ranking tomorrow. With a tune up for online games with high latency, too.
The most realistic (and best) Tennis game I've ever played is this: For a mobile tennis game though, yes, this would be the best.