Definitely previous latest, I'm a bit obsessive on updating. My pimped out hero and something upwards of 50 unused stars looks like they could be Sharapovaed.
Yep, tried deleting and reinstalling twice now, and still won't boot up. I also updated from 1.41. Sigh...
Terribly sorry about that.. Would you be able to allow crash logs to be reported to apple on your device (can't remember where the setting is..) but I've got zero crash reports available from itunesconnect, and just 1 might help me find and fix this!
OK, thanks for confirming that.. So please DON'T try reinstalling as that won't fix it. I suspect it's the change that should prevent any future updates losing the VIP / Keychain data.. difficult as I can't repro it here so it's all guess work at the moment.
Settings - Privacy - Automatically Send - Share With App Developers Just crashed a few now, good luck with the bug hunt (I'm a developer, I feel the pain!)
Anyone here got a device thats never had the game installed, and installs this version for the first time? Would be keen to hear if anyone gets the crash in that case, or if it's only updaters?
I got an old iPhone 5 here where I can try, will let you know in a few minutes. Installed, customized the player a bit, did the first service tutorial and the daily challenge, no problems so far. Should I try anything specific?
No, as long as it reloads to the title screen, then I think it's OK.. Pretty sure that helps narrow it down to reading the persistent keychain data again, and also means I'll only have existing players to apologise to and not new ones! So sorry this slipped through.. I tested updating every single device I own and this didn't occur once for me.
Thanks. It's much appreciated! Sadly not everyone realises I'm a 1-man team and emails me like Uprising Games is some evil global corporation
I tried a few more times jumping between career screen and title screen and daily challenge and title screen and options and title screen and all went fine (at one point I thought it crashed in shot tutorial but that was just the tutorial messages being displayed and me not noticing that I can't move while they are being displayed).
Sounds like your theory isn't blown yet - the iPhone 5 on 9.02 was working. I've got an old 4S still on iOS 8.something. I'll try downloading for the first time onto that. Gimme a minute. EDIT: My mistake. The 4S was on iOS 7.1.2. Loaded up Tennis Champs fine after downloading. I guess I can always steal it back from my five-year-old and give her my iPhone 6...
I realize killing a game breaking bug takes priority. But here's a request: my phone nags me with pop ups about storage being full and battery nearing empty. I press ok and then return to the game. The game continues, not from the pause screen, and I miss my shot as a result. Can it go to pause screen upon pop up?
Jesus Christ, three weeks I am playing this game and it took until today to figure out how it works! Maybe I am damaged by the Virtua Tennis mechanics where you hit harder the longer you press the button before the hit. Of course I got that I can't just press longer here and need to have the bar perfectly green. But the harder CPU players were still giving me an extremely hard time, despite me having 5 stars everywhere and all, and even the powerups didn't help. But now I figured it: apparently the bar should NOT fill up for the hit BUT only for reaching back! You need to release WAY before you hit the ball so you do NOT press the button anymore when the racket moves forward before you hit the ball. And the earlier you release (within some limits of course) the better you can play cross balls from the baseline. And I was wondering why I never really hit good cross balls despite being in a way better position than the CPU, having more stars and hitting the ball perfectly! Since I figured it out the damn CPU hasn't won a single point (ok I admit it made 1 point ). Maybe that also explains the issue with the lob ball (it works better now in the new version, but I still had a pretty high rate when I wasn't able to trigger it, but that was before I figured that you have to release the button WAY before you hit the ball, I'll have to see if it works better now).
I'll look at the low power pop-up thing.. that's happened to me too! I've just updated my last 2 old devices, and both have taken the new version perfectly, which is nice but doesn't help me find the problem!