Will be taking further steps to stop some of those tactics being as effective. but I'd suggest a bit of self restraint on doing some of that leads to more enjoyment If the AI steps in a bit on your wide serves and smashes you down the line, or with a super angled cross court return, you'll have to stop doing it anyway
I would suggest making midcourt return of serve impossible. Just make it hit the net like in real life. No one can return that far up. Also maybe give the returning player a temporary boost of speed after the first return. That would keep the cheap wide serve and volley at bay.
Will there be an option coming out that disables the AI service marker? I think this would be a good feature to have esp for those that don't want to know where the AI are serving. Adds another layer I think.
Yep, but it's Federer. +1 This and an option that disables our service marker (like one training does) could be in Pro mode.
Anyway, absolutely agree with your statement regarding midcourt return. Or make at least almost impossible..
Elton, how many quick matches I have to play to unlock the right speed? I played today daily challenge and it was so slow...
I've got a few hours tomorrow for a bit of Tennis work, so will see if I can get an update in with Pro mode included, while softening the normal mode a bit for everyone else.
Is there some special magic required to pull off a lob during a real match using the MFI controller? It seems almost impossible. In training it works fine.
iCloud update planned, and online multiplayer, wow! Just wanted to say thanks for creating an amazing game and supporting it!
This is due to the slow bounce, it at throws off your timing and its harder to hit winners, so you have to work the opponent and look for mistakes more. The lob is a gift if the opponent isn't right at the net, which usually means you've got to get to one of their volleys first. Next update, players on their net approach will be more easily lobbed, so that will reward good reactions for spotting it.
Yep. And AI hits the ball better. About lob: is this intended in matches or is something you will fix?
I don't think tapping the button would help lobs. All non-volley shots should benefit from better timing on the bar. I'll check the code, but pretty sure..