Universal Tennis Champs Returns (by Uprising Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Uprising Elton, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    This seems to be happening quite rarely on update. Its never happened to me though!

    Do you update manually or have auto updates on? Trying to work out why it happens.. As its rare, but there are a few each update!
  2. jonwarn

    jonwarn New Member

    Mar 2, 2016
    I previously installed the buggy update and then updated to the latest. Then going into the career mode would force close every time. So, I uninstalled and reinstalled again. I paid for the VIP but there is no restore purchases button anymore. How can I restore my VIP?
  3. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    #523 Uprising Elton, Mar 2, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    The restore button should always be there.. There's no code in the game that turns it off! EDIT - actually there is, it doesn't appear if you have VIP. Can you email me a screen shot of your shop screen? ([email protected])

    I've not seen any crashes on the latest update.. What device / ios version?
  4. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    #524 Uprising Elton, Mar 2, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    Hmm, my restore button is there, but not doing anything on mine.. Odd, will look into that.. Hmm, now its working again!

    If you attempt to buy vip again, it will know you have already bought it, and you wont get charged. Its a non-consumable purchase.
  5. jonwarn

    jonwarn New Member

    Mar 2, 2016
    iPhone 6S, 9.2.1.

    Screenshot of main view and shop view



    Attached Files:

  6. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Just checked.
    The restore button only disappears if VIP is active and working. (As that's the only restorable purchase anyway)

    So you are VIP, and there should be no coin costs on your career.

    Normally deleting and reinstalling doesn't lose VIP status as its saved in the device keychain. However career progress is a save file and that is gone if you delete)
    You also still have all your coins and clothing options.
  7. jonwarn

    jonwarn New Member

    Mar 2, 2016
    Thanks for the quick response.

    Great game BTW!
  8. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Really want to work out why updating occasionally loses VIP and coins. I know its todo with the keychain read somehow failing..

    If this has ever happened to could you pleae PM me and let me know how you update? (Auto updates on, manually app by app, or "update all". Do you make sure the game has been completely closed before doing it etc)
  9. H4nd0fg0d

    H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    Been reading about this issue and fortunately haven't experienced it. Game has been playing super awesomely for me since last update, better than ever.
  10. Lochheart

    Lochheart Active Member

    Oct 30, 2013
    #530 Lochheart, Mar 2, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    Great change.
    It broke the game for me, I beat Mac (the n°1 in my game) 6-0 / 6-1 / 6-0 the first time we met whith this technique :/

    I also think that the flat is useless most of the time. Even the worst player coming from the opposite can have it. And another strange thing, the CPU never miss a ball. In a year of competitions, I never see an opponent hit a ball out.
  11. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    I will be increasing the errors of the CPU. I added it but it's still too rare.

    Annoyingly Im getting a few store reviews claiming the update ruined their players strokes by reducing power.. when I know for a fact it's just them hitting balls as soon as they bounce. A shame I can't reply to each store review :(
    I think I'll need to add a new pop-up / tip that points out that half-vollies are very difficult in reality and this is now modelled in the game! Playing this way is no longer the "cheat" that it was..
  12. atchoo

    atchoo Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 20, 2015
    Bassano del Grappa
    #532 atchoo, Mar 2, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    Well, only Federer is able to playing in that way... :)

    I consider flat a safe shot, not a winning. When I want to attack I use top spin.

    I won my last tournament thanks to a my opponent's ball out, though. :D
  13. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    #533 Uprising Elton, Mar 2, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    I think I've worked out why updating can sometimes lose the persistent keychain data (VIP state and coins etc).. think it's to do with locking the phone and encryption of the keychain. Next update I will change something that I hope will prevent it going forwards.

    and I think you can mitigate the risk by closing the app, updating manually, making sure the device is awake through the process untli you run it.
  14. zeroex

    zeroex Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2014
    Also, it'd be great if there was something we could do with our extra skill points after maxing out everything.
  15. baldeagle86

    baldeagle86 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Thanks so much for this, it really helps a lot. I'm kinda glad I waited to check this out since it seemed a lot got balanced (for the better)

    Will device sync be coming anytime soon? I'm early enough to restart on my phone which I would want as my primary. Unless it's coming soon then I'll keep playing on iPad.
  16. foxlyfe

    foxlyfe Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2012
    Hi Elton,

    Love the game!

    But I have a few things that frustrate me, mainly the randomness of the cpu's difficulty e.g. I'm a 4 star player there is no way that a 2.5 star player should be hitting me off the court.

    I've often started the app on the way home on the train only to encounter this scenario, become frustrated and close the app. Why am I grinding away for stars when a lower star opponent plays JUST as good as me (shot wise).

    Why when you use your coins to scout someone once, it doesn't unlock that person permanently?

    Also why do I want to know their strengths? Shouldn't it show what they are weak against?

    Also for future updates little things would be cool, like differennt nationalities for when the guy says "out" (just use a fake accent or get some guys on here to do a comp and the best sounding one gets into the game).

    Run out of time I'll post more later, but great work :)
  17. Hedron Engineer

    Hedron Engineer Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2015
    Elton, Loving the change you did concerning the top spin swipe registering I asked about. Really makes a huge difference in enjoyment for me! I'm fumbling with the buttons a lot less, and when I do, it feels like I'm the cause rather than the game! Thanks!
  18. Uprising Elton

    Uprising Elton Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Thanks for the feedback!

    I don't really ever experience this "bad players play amazing" thing myself. Maybe I've just been playing it too long... but don't underestimate the effect of tiredness on your player. If you can't reach his shots and he's 2.5 stars (although overall star rating does NOT mean he's got no power! It's an average, and he might be weaker in other areas) maybe your own speed has been comprommised due to energy loss? Adding stamina points helps with that.

    I'm going to make a few tweaks to the effect of energy in an upcoming update, to give a little more head room before it seriously effects your players ability..

    I'm also going to tune down a tiny bit of the "half volley" effect I added, but leave it strong on returns of serve. It just causing too many to call the game broken and leave bad reviews as it is. I'll still make sure a really early return can't be used as a cheat tho.

    I want to add a "trade" screen where you can exchange stars / coins etc. for other things. So when you don't need more stars you can swap them for coins or someting else. I want to give you more to spend your coins on, including individual player challenge matches, more outfits etc. although new character art for those takes longer to do and I'm behind on adding more of those.

    Oh, on scouting.. the opponents stregths are important! So even if a 2* player has a half decent back hand, you know to try and avoid hitting towards it, or are more ready for a decent shot to come back if you go that way. They're equally important as the weaknesses if you ask me :)
  19. atchoo

    atchoo Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 20, 2015
    Bassano del Grappa
    Pro mode will solve this, I guess.
    Otherwise you can't make happy casual players, average players and "pro" players if the first two categories want to win and to reach number 1.
  20. Retrax

    Retrax Member

    Jul 29, 2010
    #540 Retrax, Mar 3, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016

    1. Thank you so much for one of the best Tennis Games on iOS with a very very great playabillity. In my opinion "Tennis Champs Returns" and "Stickman Tennis 2015" are the best Tennis Games on iOS.

    So. Now my Question about "Tennis Champs Returns:

    1. Questions about the "In App Shop":

    - Is it possible to restore "In App Purchases"?

    - Is in the "Super Bundle" the "Ad Removal" also included?

    - I have bought the "VIP", the "Super Bundle" and the "Gold Coin Pack" but these Packages also shines up again in the "In App Shop". Would it be better to make bought Packages inactive to avoid a second buying again?

    2. Questions about "Game Modes":

    - Could somebody explain the "Daily Challenge" Mode? It looks like a second kind of the "Quick Match" Playmode?

    - Is there a possibilty to fill up your Character with stars (without training) if you have enough coins? If yes, how does it works?

    3. Question about the "Options Menu":

    - I don't understand the option "DPad DeadZone: Small / Med / Big" - What could i do with that? What's the sense?

    - What is the sense of the "Redeem-Code"? There is a long sequence of Numbers and characters. But i can only type in 3 numbers / characters. Is the sense of the Redeem-Code to restore the "In App Purchases"? But it doesn't work?!

    - "Max Speed: 90% / 95% / 100%": Make it sense to show this options to the user? The difference seems to me not very significant?!

    Thank you!

    Kind Regards


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