Still had noone else report anything like this.. I asked earlier for your device + iOS version. But I have to check.. Your not leaving you device unattendended and someone else is losing a match for you between sessions?? (Say, playing on an ipad that is shared with family??) I cant see any reason for it, even if you had low storage of something. PM me to discuss further?
Should be a little while now. Need to get those bigger new features worked on now the difficulty is mostly OK (not scaring off players!)
Would be great if there is a 'career stats' window where we can see the number of wins/loss win%, which tournaments won and maybe a 'rival' - the player we lost the most number of times to etc.
I find the controls confusing If i want to shoot the ball towards the left how do I hold down the button on the left and simultaneously hit the ball with the right button? I find myself moving left but missing the shot completely kindly assist
I'm not sure how to answer.. you are holding the phone like a traditional gamepad and using 2 thumbs? The tutorials then explain everything else.
I just got the 1.3 Update this morning... Woooaaa! Awesome! MFi now works perfectly and being able to spend coins on skills is a nice touch (I had loads of coins stacked up and not much to buy as I'd gone VIP! ) Thanks!!
Hello, im having problems after the 1.3 update, my coins (around 500 at the moment) reset to 80, and i started to watch ads again (i bought the vip). Thanks! And im sorry for my broken english!
As the ball comes from the opponent you have to press one of the buttons on the right (which one you press depends on what sort of shot you want) just long enough to get the bar to fill and go green, then let go of the button. Your character should move towards the ball on it's own and when you hit the ball (which should happen automatically if you got your timing right) aim to the left with the control stick, and the ball will go in that direction. Once you get the hang of it, it becomes quite easy to place the ball in the part of the opponents court that you want.
thanks for the great game elton, I really enjoy it! Instabuy on the VIP package What annoys me is the "Please rate this app" popup. I already rated it, and after the update it appears again: "Please rate the new version". I know it helps devs a lot, but I don't want to stop playing just to use the clumsy AppStore rating feature. Apart from that: Any tips on the Movement minigame? I always fail the targeted "dodge and collect" with goal 20 (record is 12 with pure luck).
Well that's pretty strange. I've had thousands of people update and this is the only occurence I've heard of. I would suggest using restore purchase, and if you did have VIP it will restore it. It shouldn't be possible for the coins to reset unless there is a problem with your device keychain. There is no way I can currently award you coins back, so you'll need to either request a refund from apple if you bought them, or wait until I add a "redeem code" screen like I put in SSC to be able to gift them. Apologies for the bad experience.
Glad you like it.. sorry the Rate App pop-up is a bit too frequent.. I'll tone it down, but really it is vital for a tiny dev like me to have reviews on the store. When you update and they all disappear from the main view, most people don't think to reapply their review unless you ask them in game.. The move minigames are a bit random, and do get impossible.. I planned on fixing and adding more games, but there's so much to do and so little time, it's not happened yet.
I restored my VIP status with the restore purchase! Thanks! With the lost coins thing, i will wait a reedem code like you said, but with the current adiction i have with this little gem i think that i will get them eventually . Thanks again!
I am playing with 1.3, finally! I like everything you have added/fixed and MFi works very well. Could you explain how dpad deadzone option works? I think stats still have some bugs: I won a tiebreak 7-0 and I had 1 break point won (but 0 break point).