Universal Temple Run (by Imangi Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. kshep

    kshep Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Sep 15, 2008
    Lol, nope. Not from us. Must be a clone...
  2. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    You know, if they're gonna clone Temple Run and have it called Temple Run 2, shouldn't it... you know... take place in a temple? :p
  3. OneMinuteGames

    OneMinuteGames Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2010
    iOS Game Developer
    Can't believe who is eager to spend resources and money just to clone, without any piece of change or innovation.

    But it looks quite well, I have to admit.
  4. MaGCoL

    MaGCoL Member

    Apr 18, 2009
    Chief Creative Officer & Co-founder of Kaamos Game
    Oulu, Finland
    Hey developers,

    First off, thanks for a great game! I've been enjoying it for a while now, and I still love it!

    Today, however, my girlfriend told me about an issue she heard from a friend. I don't know if this issue has been dealt with, but it seems that there's a bug in the tutorial mode that can be used to make very high high scores.

    This is how it works: activate tutorial mode in options and then when the swiping instructions appear, instead of swiping one time to left or right, swipe quickly three times in a row in the way the instruction suggests. Then the character just runs endlessly on the thing without need from the player to intervene. :eek:

    While I didn't try to do it yet (it takes too much time), at least the rumor has it that it can been used to make high scores. I wonder if some of the crazy high scores on the leader board have been done using this! :confused:
  5. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    Jul 13, 2009
    college student (junior)
    Houston/Austin, TX
  6. meridasaan

    meridasaan Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    Actually I don't like Imangi Studios strategy.

    Why ? Here is the answer:

    Their game Temple Run has been downloaded 100 000 000 times around the world. But They are still moving slow. In this time they should show different things for us.

    And here is one more thing:

    They don't act equally to other platform.Especially Android.They don't release enough updates. Androd users don't get recent updates. (Like 1.5 IOS updates.) And about 4-5 months passed, bugs and lags are not fixed totally.
  7. mlkaufman

    mlkaufman Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    I know. It's almost like they are focusing on the platform where they are making most of their money. What's up with that?
  8. wiesse

    wiesse Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2008
    To see who cheated, just look at their coin count for the run, if it is obscenely low for the distance, they cheated. My record is just over 10 million with 16k coins. I am in 1 millionth place for my distance and 1/2 millionth place for my coin count. The way I see it there are about half a million cheaters out there.
  9. adajos12

    adajos12 Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Software Engineer
    Minneapolis, MN
    I'll do you one further, not only are they focusing on the platform that makes them the most money, but also the platform that's actually fun to write code for.

    Also, interesting to hear about the tutorial cheat--that FINALLY explains those ridiculous leaderboard scores. It'd be nice if those bogus scores could be expunged from the GameCenter.
  10. kshep

    kshep Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Sep 15, 2008
    There are just 3 of us at Imangi Studios, so sorry if we can't go as fast as everyone would like. It's been a busy year for us. We've gotten Temple Run onto other platforms (Android, Amazon), we worked with Disney / Pixar on Temple Run: Brave, and we've updated Temple Run a few times. Oh, and Natalia and I had a baby, so yeah, we've been busy.

    As for the update coming to android. Don't worry, we're working on it already and hopefully it won't lag too far behind.

    Yes, that's been bugging us too. We fixed it in the most recent update. Also, we're reigning in some of the total crazy faked scores on game center.

  11. meridasaan

    meridasaan Member

    Aug 4, 2012

    Ok. I can understand the reason.

    But As a Temple Run lover, Imangi Studios can be a corporate game developer like Rovio.

    This is your decision. And I respect to your decision.
  12. meridasaan

    meridasaan Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    Yes It is true. IOS is better platform to earn money and It is easy to write code for IOS.

    But you should know that, Temple Run is not an ordinary game. It is a phenomenon like Angry Birds. So the developers should think different for this game and for other projects.
  13. adajos12

    adajos12 Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    Software Engineer
    Minneapolis, MN
    Maybe, but it will always be a cost/benefit decision. Is it worth spending all the development time porting TR to another platform to get it on Android--a platform which is notorious for people not paying for apps (probably also true for IAPs)?

    Also there is the question of quality. TR is smooth like butter on iOS, but once you've got it on a platform with a wide range of devices, screen sizes, and processors you risk compromising the perception of your game's quality.

    TR is fundamentally a great idea--there is no reason why it shouldn't be able to transcend a specific platform in theory. In practice however, there isn't really another great mobile platform.

    Obviously the folks at Imangi are trying to make it work on Android--I hope it works out for them, they've got a great product. I will be very interested to see if it ended up being worth the trouble for them to port it.
  14. meridasaan

    meridasaan Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    #276 meridasaan, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
    We have already the advantages of IOS. And If I start to programming, I will choose IOS platform.

    But We are not talking about a game that is downloaded 10 000 times. We're talking about Temple run that is downloaded 100 000 000 times.

    And There are 30 000 000 million people at other side. And as you know this is not a number that can be ignored.

    Finally there are a lot of people not paying for apps at IOS side too. You should not ignore it.
  15. nattylux

    nattylux Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2008
    Washington, DC
    Wow, thanks! What a nice thing to say.

    Don't worry though - we are absolutely not ignoring Android. We have a ton of great Android players, and the update will come out on Android soon as well.

    We also think that Temple Run has turned into a phenomenon, and we want to do it justice and support all our great players, as well as bring it to new platforms. However, we think we can do that without turning into a huge corporation.
  16. Thanks for the update! Plays really well on my new ipad!
  17. meridasaan

    meridasaan Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    Thanks for your consideration.

    You have a lot of fans at Android side, too :)
  18. meridasaan

    meridasaan Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    I have one more question. But this time It is funny :)

    Do you have any plan to bring "Usain Bolt" to Temple Run?

    As you know, He can be suitable for Temple Run concept.

    I see this idea at twitter and there are a lot of people who support this idea:


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