I would have loved to be able to skip the "Save Me!" when your guy dies, but its just a minor gripe. Great game, but I feel like the gems made me die a little inside. I don't remember TR1 having two forms of currency, but I guess the gems are only there for upgrading powerups and saving yourself... Its still an awesome and worthy sequel!
Looks ok, but so many of these types of games nowdays, lets see if I like it better than Temple run brave.
Even though Temple Run Brave had the shooting innovation, i didnt like it more than the original TR. The same shooting mechanic which was used on the barrels in Run N Gun and that was the part i didnt like in that game. The regular shooting to crank out the coins was a great innovation though, which is what made Run N Gun an instant favorite. As for TR2, I hope you like it, as I do. It's pretty much TR on hyper mode, but didnt add much mechanic wise. Between this and TR:Brave, this, for me... Definately.
I was watching the video and was wondering, are the zip line / swinging segments really just more for show when your transitioning to a new environment? Loved the original Temple Run but a lot of games really have improved on the genre with different gameplay mechanics. Other than the mine portions (and, of course, vastly improved graphics), I'm concerned that not much was really done to push the BTB runner any further.
zip lines are just there... sometimes they transition, sometimes they dont... there is not much improvement besides the high speed the game sports now. Its fast, really fast and I love it.
Here my review on the game: Imangi are back, trying to repeat the success of Temple Run, and Temple Run: Brave, but with all of the countless clones in the app store, have they created the best one yet Actually, I'm unsure. First of all, I'll just say that the graphics showcased in this game are incredible, they definietly are some of the best in this genre of games, alongside The End. They definetly catch you on into the game. A disappointing thing though is that the facial details of the charachters look like something made in Aralon, which is dissapointing with the graphics in this gane They've ditched the swamp and forest for the sky this time, in a more mountain-ruin-jungle-esque enivornment. The whole scenario in this game is the same - you steal an artifact, you get chased by a monster until you eventually slip up and die. Tracks in this game are curved, a bit like the track curving around in Subway Surfers. There are ropes to swing on and minecarts to ride, a bit like Pitfall. Obstacles in the track from the first game are replicated in this style and place around the track Another of the big new features is the power-up system - collect enough coins, and you can do one of the powers without having to jump into them. That brings me onto the power- ups. They are the exact same as in the original. Except invisibility has been ditched, and we know hav e Shield, Faster pick-ups, and Faster power-up bonus. Whats more, upgrading them will become another grind - pretty much the same grind from the original Temple Run, so it will take you hours if you want to upgrade it all. Whats more, you can buy yourself a coin-doubler for $5. I don't suppose many people will actually buy that (it's the app store. A coin doubler for $5 is like buying a normal mini for $100000), so there will be a lot of grinding. The gem system gets annoying as well. Gems occasionally pop up whilst your running, and you get them from going up levels (using a Jetpack Joyride system), but they will annoy you for 5 seconds at the end of the game, the game asking do you want to revive your charachter. I would have like to see a system where you buy items with it. You can upgrade power-ups with gems, but if they ditched the charachter revive screen, and instead put wings back in the game, it would have been fine. Thats another point - there isn't any one-turn power up I can see. Imangi have tried to take the success of the original Temple Run and breathe new life into it, but this to me just seems like a mixture of popular endless runners - Graphics like The End; Curving Tracks and Angle Not Moving When Sliding, like Subway Surfers; Environment, rope and Minecart sections from Pitfall, and the rest is normal Temple Run. Thats it. There isn't any brand new, exciting mechanic that brings you back. The game just seems to much like Pitfall. One of the only things stopping Pitfall was that it was called Pitfall. If it were named something else, a lot more people would of liked it. If Pitfall was an Imangi production and they labelled it Temple Run 2, people would have loved it. But this game here just seems to be Temple Run + Pitfall, which is really sad. Imangi definetly perked my attention last year with the arrow shooting in Temple Run: Brave, but there isn't anything excitingly new here, and that dissapoints me So, in conclusion, -Heavy Inspirations from Pitfall -Bland, block menus (you can't see the intro scene after starting a run -Classic Game Centre lag -Heavy grinding to unlock stuff if you don't want to waste $5 on a coin doubler -Brand new mechanics seen in other games -Great new graphic engine -Annoying gen system Imangi have taken the words "if it aint broke, don't fix it" too close to heart, pretty much taking a lot of successful mechanics from other games and mixing them into the same style as Temple Run. If you are a fan of the genre, you will like it. If you are a fan of Temple Run, you will like it. If you wanted to see an exciting breath into the genre (like me), then you will be dissapointed. It's, sadly, something you have seen before, and you will see again. It turns out that lightning doesn't strike twice for Imangi 3.5/5
Imangi have made a pretty poor Temple Run clone here. Everything that was good about the first game has been broken for the second. The biggest flaw is the new graphics, which look nice and shiny as long as the game's paused, but as soon as it's moving there's horrendous pop-in that the PSone would be ashamed of, and everything is far more difficult to see coming than it was in Temple Run, so you'll constantly be falling over obstacles and off of corners that you simply didn't notice coming. Then there's the "gems," which ruin the game entirely. You can literally buy a high score. Pump enough money into it and your game will last forever! There's no point going for upgrades because the game itself isn't as good as Temple Run and you've seen it all before anyway. The fun in upgrades in Temple Run was watching as they helped your high score gradually tick up. There's no point trying for high scores now because the person above you has more money than you do. It's just a waste of time all round, and the inevitable 5-star review will be a travesty.
iCade support, I hope? iCade is what makes Temple Run 1 my favorite runner! (Of which there are actually very few, 2D or 3D, that I can stand.) It's the one iCade game that everyone who sits down at my iCade seems to instantly like.
wow they made so much money off the first one, and this is all they could come up with for a sequel lol!
Any clues about iCloud syncing between devices? I really don't want to have to choose between my iPad or iPhone.