MFI Support? This games looks great! For a twitch platformer though, I really prefer using a controller - does it support MFI gamepads?
Sorry, didn't notice any sign of MFI support. @Dailon80 Same level/run The Dev integrated his other game "Temple of Spikes" a (very) bit too often into this one. Actually, being on level 8 atm, in every level once or twice, with increasing difficulty every next time. Some might like that, but for me it's more of a filler and a sign of some missing creativity. Pity. If i ever move on to level 9 and i see this sequence again...(i leave the rest open)
Hey, we've added the MFI support, it will be available as soon as the Apple team approve the new version. Thanks
Hey again Our tech lead just told me that the MFI support is available now! Get the newest version on the App Store. Thanks!
Did you by any chance look into the possibility of Apple TV support? Im thinking it should be fairly easy if you make controller required on it. Also, have you seen my posts about a sound issue as if the sound gets stuck? Any fixes on the way for that?
had to delete, then buy again for update NOTE: The original didn't update, so i had to delete then buy again. I got a message when buying that I own a previous version so the update was free. I wonder if this was for everyone. btw the MFi seems to work better now. thanks
I tend to agree on the original Temple of Spikes integration being a bit too much. I like the game, but the further I get seems to be more and more of these sections with moving blocks that require both luck and skill to get passed. I’m to the point now where I loath seeing these sections show up in the game. Kinda breaks the platforming flow somewhat. Not gonna stop playing the game, as it’s still a great game other than these sections, but I’m sure many people like this aspect of the game.
Hey guys, The Apple team has featured us on the major countries' pages on the App Store! It's all because your high download activity upon the release. Thank you!
The mfi function works ok, but sometimes it is just not worked, like using coins to set a save point, unlock characters, moving the character to choose level, select profile, pause menu, level complete result (Restart or OK), they all needed to be touched to choose, not just press a button or moving D-pad.