Thanks for the update. We were hearing the same thing, but it seems to have resolved itself. Vae Victus, Templar.
I saw the Latin in there (not to mention the semi audentes fortuna juvat Shalun's credited as saying above and somewhere in the game too), and while I'm not super familiar with the lore I might bring this up on the other thread too: Templars have 87 generations in them, in the bene-gesserit style lineage thing, which is cool, but if they're using Latin, where does that place the star traders world chronologically in relation to our time? Or is this a case of wrote repetition of phrases found in Shalun's library archives lol? I feel like the coms officer, Kathos, that's a pretty Greek sounding name, along with some of the other predetermined Templar names. I could be reaching pretty badly though...
The Templar Captain you playing in the campaign has a personal history of having 87 generations, which is a very impressive and long Lineage. The depth and contents of each Templar's Lineage is personal. The Star Traders world is based on a pen and paper RPG we've been running and developing for a long time. It is not in a universe that is linked to earth or our RL world in any way. That does make the semi-incorrect Latin a bit problematic, but those phrases were long ago baked into the Templar Knights over the years.
That's very cool, thanks for sharing the background of all this. Tell the naysayers Shalun read the Melian Dialogue, where might makes right so he favors the strong. It's how I explain my chest piece to people who're snooty about it, since it says fortes fortuna juvat, which while being grammatically ok, drives Latin purists crazy lol. But jokes aside, very neat world y'all created.
Thanks! This is our 4th game in the Star Traders world - ST RPG, ST 4X Empires, Templar Assault (android only) and next up Star Traders 2. Hope you'll check out our other games too!
I'm excited for star traders 2, read all about the details on Kickstarter but missed the campaign by a bit. I think you left me some link for another site to give y'all money, I'm gonna have to go back and find the post now that I have a job unlike during the summer when I was a more active poster. 4x has quite literally never been deleted of my iPad.
if you'd like to join in on ST2 KickStarter, we're still taking pledges through PayPal: All in the world of Battleforce. BF is in fact a bit of a lead in to the ST2 events.
Is there a way to view the % to hit/ damage when selecting a templar then selecting xeno? Kind of comparing which templar i should use on a xeno e.g for best effect. Though i think i can use info on each talent and compare, is there a quick/ better way? Edit: when behind cover i see theres a +1 for defence text quickly popping up, thereafter does an icon or something appear on top right to indicate theres a cover buff?
Wow, it's been a while since I heard that name. It actually isn't as close to Chaos Engine as you may think, sadly. Chaos Engine was an action game, this is more of a turn-based RPG. The videos should help make the difference clear - though I also may be over-interpreting what you meant
Thank you Here is the link for any interested:
Any chance of highlighting the cells you'll be actually traversing when you select, before moving? Also, a question on cover: does it improve your defense regardless of where the attack is coming from - so, it's implemented more like a terrain advantage rather than a positional cover? It seemed to be the case in the tutorial and I was also able to shoot a Xeno from behind it, which wasn't expected at all as I thought it was a full-blown wall. Any tips on how we should distinguish half-height walls that we can shoot over and proper walls? Or was it a bug?