It's tough to gauge...I re-re-bought a DS specifically and only to have advance wars whenever, and never touched it after a week, but I love knowing its in a drawer in my room if I want a fix lol, so I get what you mean. They're two diff genres though, hate to say but apples and oranges. They're both fruit only because they're both turn based games. Maybe if you specified what you liked or hated about hunters and space hulk.
1. Cool, I'm down for more customization, with the 7 or so colors and portraits, I'm curious to see what y'all come up with. My vote's for luminescent gauntlets lol. I apologize too, I should have specified it as cosmetic dlc, not IAP lol. Big difference. 2. Amazing, exactly what I was hoping to hear.
If you're enjoying the game, remember to go back to the OP and give it a Touch Arcade star rating too
Enjoying it ! And done. Y'all planning to maybe have it so you can see your movement range with highlited tiles ?
Cheers for that. I've still got my GBmicro in the drawer for mainly that reason! It comes out every couple of years... I guess I like the simplicity of advance wars - and what I'm not that keen on (but not a deal breaker) is the customisation of troops and being forced to decide who/what to take into a particular battle. I love AW because it basically gives you what you need to win the battles then asks you to work out how to do it. Which I suppose in a sense makes AW more a puzzle game than an RPG Does this make any sense? I've a feeling I might be talking myself out of buying this....
So, I can play devil's advocate, because I think you are too lol: this game has a metric sh*t ton of stats, which I love (Diablo 2 style). However, it also has seven different difficulty settings, and I feel as though the easier ones mean you won't have to agonize over which sword is better or if you should pick strength over toughness for a mele oriented soldier. I'm not gonna lie, you can take the difficulty out of the rpg, but you can't take the numbers out of it, just ignore them. If you like the narrative mechanics of advance wars, each mission is a mini-story you "play" out, you can dig this game if you think about it the same way: just like in advance wars, you have a set nr of pieces/units with which you complete the mission with. And you're rewarded with story bits in the form of dialogue. It's entirely up to you how deep you wanna dig into the lore/story, but keep in mind that choosing the easiest difficulty means the game won't be as complex as it should be. It'd sorta be like only needing inf and light tanks to beat any level in AW. SOME levels offer places on the map where you can defend them to get resoursces and call in new units. But keep in mind, at the core, the game simulates something like a band of warrior monks/soldier having an outer space adventure. It's not a war game like AW. That being said, and I swear I'm not being paid to say all this lol, go check out star traders empires 4x from these guys if this game isn't your cup of tea, that's a more traditional war game. I could sit here and draw tenuous similarities between this game and AW just to convince you to buy it, but they'd be mental gymnastics since one is a division level war game (aw) and the other (this one) is a squad based war game. Trust a stranger with nothing to gain but making the work day pass lol, you could buy worse games that look better on the App Store. This one's about substance over looks, just like AW is. And realistically, as long as you're ok with going "alright, 5 - 7 damage isn't as good as 9 - 11, I should equip this sword", you'll be able to play it an ignore the rest of the complexities.
That is a fantastic summation thank you very much! Im still on the fence but now with one leg longer on the buy side thanks to that. I'll decide in the morning
Hey devs. This game sure throws a lot of numbers at you. Anyway you could explain how damage is computed? There's a dice mechanic going on behind the scenes yes ?
Disliked the graphics in brotherhood of steele, and initially also the writing. but the game really grew on me and had at some points some top-notch storytelling and dialogue. And had crazy amount of content, even without replaying anything. Gonna dip in this soon!
We can work on adding the information directly into the game, but you can see this detailed Combat Guide posted on Steam ftm. Also, the Library does provide a good deal of this info.
Are the characters you play predefined, or do you "roll" and name them yourself? While I appreciate TB's previous RPG's, I relate to characters better when I create and name them myself.
They are your own creation. There are a few story characters who are in and out of your control, but everyone else on the squad including the Captain are 100% yours. Pick their skill, attributes, Talents. Name them, pick their face, and armor design. The customization runs deep