Universal Templar Battleforce RPG Full Game HD (by Trese Brothers)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by asaw2, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Np :) There are lots of features and it was in the second update.

    The next update will include a marker on Relics warning that they are already claimed before you tap them. Listing the Templar sounds like a great idea too. Will put that on the list for another day ;)
  2. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    We are now working on bundling v1.2.3 (funny, right?) up over the weekend to push it into the Apple review queue. Here is a preview of what is coming! The v1.2.3 also includes v1.2.1 below.

    v1.2.3 - Soon!
    - Added Kaldun Scittering Hive: New 2 level Deploy from Rychart Desert Command
    - Added New Engineer Weaponry - Architect Revoler, Cannon Revolver, Scoped Revolver
    - One new Requisition level - Master Engineer added
    - Clearly marked Relics that are in use by other Templars and therefore cannot be equipped
    - Clearly marked which Ordnance require proximity to a Tact Point to use
    - Fixed SFX for Captain's Commander Cripping Orders
    - Fixed bug with disappearing Nyra on Righteous Fallen Secure Zones
    - Improved Meditech Ordnance by reducing randomness of healing
    - Simplified dialog in Rychart Desert Command to find next assignments

    v1.2.1 - 11/14/2015
    - Achievements Added: Difficulty-Specific Campaign Completion
    - Rangefinder color varies by Talent target (Enemy, Friend, Ground)
    - Max Heat causes Leviathan to “shut down” and revert to 0 AP / 0 MP (256% of Max)
    - New Library pages: Overheating Damage, Talent rules (Ends Move, Ends Turn, Heat Restricted)
    - Click through on-map tutorial steps at your own pace
    - Increased Luthor and Nyra Talent Levels
    - Improved UI of Templar Designer - browse faces faster
    - Fixed bug that was not counting Medic x Talent Level into healing
    - Talents in list remain visible when AP = 0
    - Fix Turn Counter vs. Objectives Screen
    - Fixed Sentry Turret and AoE heal bug
    - Display sentry turret max when selecting a Sentry
  3. flashsuper

    flashsuper Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    #363 flashsuper, Nov 20, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
    Sometimes my map locks up for some reason, I can still play and shoot and target enemies, I just can't pan around or zoom in and out though, it's strange.

    But I am loving this game, it's superstars for me so in following that steam walk through guide. I'm getting used to everything and once I beat it with the walkthrough I will play again without one and try different specialties. Love this game. Might pick up HoS elite.
  4. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    On the map panning bug -- any chance you are on iOS 9.1 and playing on an iPhone? Do you happen to get a banner notification at the time of bug?

    Thank you for your support and we hope you'll try our other games!
  5. flashsuper

    flashsuper Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    #365 flashsuper, Nov 21, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2015
    And am on iOS 9.1 , but iPad Air 2. I might have quickly checked messages or another app or something, then I go back into the game and it get stuck and I can't pan or zoom

    Lol and in my post above, I meant to write super hard, not superstars, autocorrect must have changed it if I misspelled a word.
  6. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback and sorry for this bug. We are continuing to have a hard time reproducing it.

    Can you share the settings you are using for your messenger -- Settings > Notifications > Messenger?

    We hope to be able to fix it if we can get enough details to be able to reproduce it on our test devices. So far, we haven't been able to do so.
  7. gamer300

    gamer300 Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2014
    Decided to share my experience after reading this. I have the same issue whenever i get a notification. Using an ipod 5th gen 16mb running IOS 8.

    It's not a game breaking bug though, i just turn on do not disturb mode and i'm fine. The game really is awesome.
  8. flashsuper

    flashsuper Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    Yeah it's not a big deal or game breaking, but the fact the you devs are so active and want to fix every little thing really impresses me and makes want to buy all your games even didn't mean I checked my messenger app, I don't even use that, I mean I quickly hit the home button twice, switch applications for a second to view email, or check toucharcade, whatever the case, then I quickly hit the home button again twice to switch back to the game. It's not a big deal if you can't fix it, as it is fine once the mission is completed.
  9. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    Thanks to everyone posting on the scrolling-freeze issue. We hope to be able to reproduce / fix, so we appreciate all the extra information.

    The suggestion to enter Do Not Distrub mode to avoid the bug is a pretty good one - saves you from having to turn off notifications to play.

    We are working on our next update, and will keep trying to make this bug happen.

    If you can report additional details about how you've configured notifications (banner, other settings) that might help us reproduce, as I have mentioned, we have not been able to get this to happen on our test iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
  10. Spartyfan6262

    Spartyfan6262 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2015
    So at this point I'm getting at least 1-2 Templars killed per mission. If I lose two or more guys, am I better off letting my entire squad get killed so I can repeat the mission? I don't want to end up with a bunch of guys who are effectively useless at higher levels.
  11. flashsuper

    flashsuper Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    Lol if I lose even one Templar I abort the mission and restart , I want To have everyone survive so they can get experience points. I don't know if this will be feasible in late game, I just finished Ferrari lance, galantia cross, and Rychart prime
  12. fallen

    fallen Well-Known Member

    What difficulty are you playing on? That will help with the decision, as Easy and Normal will see those Templars alive again, just lacking the XP. Harder difficulties all feature perma-death.

    Death is a healthy part of the game. I love playing my squads through, you get a more varied team with epic stories of their triumphs and those they have lost on the field of battle.

    If you are losing 1-2 a mission, are there strategies you can employ (more OW, slow down your pace of advancing, play more careful with Scouts until you get their Scout up, prefer using your new GL on new armor instead of new weapons) that can help your survivabilty?
  13. subgenius

    subgenius Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2014
    I'm also of the camp where if someone dies I'll restart the mission in most cases. Playing on hard this way I was able to finish the game, but on one of the final maps (I won't spoil it here, but can put spoiler tags later if you want) I ended up accepting a loss near the end rather than redo everything. I was starting to phase out soldiers for neptunes anyway, so the loss was ok.

    Taking it slow is most definitely a must in the beginning. 1-2 scouts with crippling strike are a huge help to hold back enemies while you find a way to deal with them if you don't have enough muscle to kill things outright each turn. They can also get the crazy mobility that is needed if you want to finish missions under the timer for bonuses. Later once you're leveled up more and can clear the map most turns (oh headshot...) you can try to push for more speed.
  14. Spartyfan6262

    Spartyfan6262 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2015
    I'm on normal, so the death penalty is reasonable.
  15. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    Just some random thoughts:

    I feel like turrets could be adjusted a little more. I went all in on them for my engineers since I liked to run 2 and go ape shit with SP and pumping out units. They're good for hindering movement using OW, but I feel like even at max upgrade they seem weak ( I realize there's a trade off being able to deploy 2 - my engineers have maxed engineering - Perhaps I've just hit that point in the game where things have scaled)

    2nd: Soldiers seem amazing at first - and seem to kind of peter off [maybe I am just bedazzled by how strong hydras and neptunes seem) . I want to preface this with - I'm only on hard so I can imagine buffs being much more important later - especially if you get a squad of gunners.

    3rd: I'm super excited to start on a harder difficulty and run some kind of all melee berserker squad and run a pistoler captain.

    Just wanted to add my 2cents - close to the end of game on hard - depending on who dies I usually tend to just restart. (Essentially going for a no loss game). I would imagine if this works on hard it applies downwards. SUPER excited to try different builds past hard - although a little worried my captain will still need to maintain the same play style. [super tanky sword and shield]

    If you don't want advice for the game ( no spoilers though ) stop reading below.

    Really just focusing on overwatch (solider at first and then neptune) and moving as a squad. Or my captain and one other (usually a medic focused paladin) run off on their own and the other 4 go on theirs to capture objectives.

    I usually have 1 decked out scout that can just haul ass and touch objectives - and hydra laying waste is amazing.
  16. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    Started my Ironman run, haven't finished the game yet but I want the challenge. Soldiers don't get a face unless they survive a few missions. Adds to the fun and immersion.
  17. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    That's hilarious. I'm doing an Ironman run now - I'm the exact opposite. I give them a random face - if they survive a few missions they get upgraded to a mask.
  18. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    Even with milking turn saves, I got some unlucky spawns and died two mission in both times so far because of heat damage.
  19. flashsuper

    flashsuper Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2015
    #379 flashsuper, Nov 23, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
    Can't get past the level with all the cultists and the have these huge turrets that kill my Templars in one shot. And I have to open doors and keep moving forward...it's crazy , the cultists keep coming in huge numbers and the turrets one shot me, not to mention I still have to open doors and move forward.

  20. clothiersphere

    Nov 13, 2015
    Use a sniper to take out the turret. OW on the cultists. If you have to engage turrets in range - make sure you can take them down in 1 turn - If you can't have someone tanky (for me it was my captain) that can take a beating. Make sure he buffs himself and has the correct armor and mitigation and paladin to heal.

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